Chapter Three: Lost in Thoughts

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"How did you sleep last night...Link?" Zelda nudged Link, who was drooling all over the mahogany desk.

Link shot up from the desk and sat up in his chair, "What? What's happening?! Where did the Butler riding the horse, calling me "Milord" go?!"

Zelda suppressed a laugh, "There's no Butler riding a horse, Link." That particular morning, Link had decided to visit Zelda in her personal study before he went down to the training grounds to the Knights to practice.

Link rubbed his temples, "Ugh, I'm sorry, Zelda,"

"Are you okay", Zelda asked in a worried tone.

Link sighed, "I've been having nightmares."

Zelda smirked, "About Butlers riding horses?"

"No", Link couldn't help but smile.

"Well", Zelda gave him her full undivided attention. "What were the nightmares about?"

"The past", Link replied.

"Oh", Zelda sighed. "Don't worry. I've been having the same problem. The past is the past, it's best to live in the present. But it's good to learn from our past so we don't repeat it."

There was an awkward silence after Zelda had given Link her advice. Link was having a tug of war in his mind whether to tell Zelda about the shadow that keeps asking his nightmares worse. Finally Link snapped, "There's another thing, Zelda."

This caught Zelda by surprise. It took her a moment to recover, "What is it?"

"There is this...I guess you could call it a shadow", Link cleared his throat. "It's in my nightmares too. The shadow claims to be me, which is pretty weird. I'd think nothing of it, really, if the shadow didn't look like me."

"The shadow looks like you?" Zelda asked in bewilderment.

Link nodded his head, "Yes."

"Well", Zelda bit her lip. "Inform me if you have another weird dream like that. I'm sure I've learned something that in one of your lifetimes you had a shadow that acted like that. Maybe they're just memories of the past. But we don't want to become to laid back, or else we would be easy targets."

"Thank you, Zelda. Thank you for everything", Link smiled and got up from his chair.

Zelda returned his smile, "Always remember I'm here for you."

"Alright", Link agreed.

"I'll see you later?" Zelda asked.

Link smiled, "Most likely."

"That's nice to hear", Zelda told Link as he opened the door to exit the room.

"Zelda?" Link asked.

"Yes?" Zelda replied.

"What do the other nobles think of me? To be more specific, the nobles that always hang around the Castle", Link blurted out.

Zelda laughed, "I wouldn't worry about it, Link. They're just resentful because you're handsome, kind, and happen to be in a relationship with me."

"Oh", Link sighed in relief. "That's great."

"Was that sarcasm", Zelda laughed.

Link smirked, "Both."

"If I may recall", Zelda shuffled through the papers on her desk, "You have a little fan club in Castle Town."

"Yes", Link chuckled. "And they still creep me out!"

"Isn't it a curse to be so gorgeous, right Link", Zelda joked.

"Says you", Link laughed. "Every time I turn my back, I turn around to see some stuck up man who is neck high in ruffles trying to flirt with you."

"Is that so?"

"It is very much so."

Zelda's hands hurt after writing so many notes and ideas for the grand party she was planning with Link. Shad had offered to be her scribe, but Zelda could barely read the man's hand writing. Even though, the day had been successful. Zelda had decided that the party should be held two weeks from then.

The Queen of Hyrule looked out of the large window in her study. The sun hung low in the sky, disappearing behind purple horizon. Everything was bathed in golden light. Twilight was Zelda's favorite time of day for her own reasons.

Deciding she had earned it, Zelda left her study for the rest of the evening. She found herself in the quiet throne room, which was deserted despite the gaurds that stood watch outside.

With no one around, Zelda sat down on the stairs that led up towards the throne. Memories flooded through her head of her childhood. While her father sat on the throne, little Zelda would venture about the throne room with the close watch of her father. Zelda's mother died during child birth. Instead of resenting her for the loss of his wife, King Eldin loved his daughter with all his heart. King Eldin was named after the Light Spirit, Eldin. Eventually, one day the King and the Spirit met. The two were good friends until the King's death years after.

King Eldin and Zelda were the last two members of the Hylian Royal Family. After her father died, Zelda was officially the last remaining member of the Hylian Royal Family.

Zelda knew that she would soon have to marry. The truth was she wanted to get married. Every since she was a little Princess, Zelda had always day dreamed about marrying a handsome Prince. That was, until she had met Link. Link was humble, kind, and sweet. Zelda thought he was perfect. The only thing that bothered her was that he hadn't proposed to her yet, even though it had been four years since they've been together.

"What's taking him so long", Zelda fumed under her breath. That's when it hit Zelda. Link hadn't asked her yet because he was too afraid of what other people may think. And perhaps the fear of becoming a King weighed on his shoulders. Zelda smiled. Maybe after the talk they had had this morning Link would feel better about everything, or anything that worried him.

Zelda got up from her seat oh the stairs and dusted her skirts off. She walked across the red carpet, and through the marble columns where a handful of guards were stationed. They nodded in respect as Zelda walked past them. The setting sun felt good on her face, which made her smile.

Link was probably done for the day, so Zelda thought that she'd uphold her side of the bargain and met with him. Quickly, she flew down the steps leading away from the throne room in search of Link.

Author's Note
Sorry I couldn't come up with a better title for this chapter. I guess it kinda fits cause Zelda is sort of "lost in thoughts" in this chapter😊. Aaaaaaand I finished Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright😂. (It was so SAD😭).

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