Chapter Twenty-One: The End of Darkness

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Link breathed in a deep breath as he stood in front of the door that would led to the throne room, where Ganondorf waited. "Alright, when we confront Ganondorf, we are going to want to banish him right away. Then hopefully everything will go back to normal."

Zelda nodded, "We understand."

"Can I stay at the back of the group," Ghirahim joked, trying to lighten the gloomy mood. "I think Ganondorf is going to mad at me for joining you guys."

"Ghirahim, I think he's going to mad at all of us," Fi stated. Midna laughed.

"Are we ready?" Link asked.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Midna cracked a smile.

"As long as you weild the Master Sword, I'll always be at your side," Fi said before she became one with the Master Sword.

"Don't worry about me," Ghirahim smirked. "Cross my heart, I won't betray the friends and companions of Fi, my favorite sword spirit."

Zelda took Link's free hand and smiled at him, "I am ready if you are, Link."

Link smiled back at her, "Let's finish this together."


Ganondorf sat on the throne and glared at the ground. Zant had given him a report that King Bulbin and his army had abandoned their posts and supposedly returned back to the Gerudo Desert.

Zant now waited in the uncomfortable growing silence. "Are you going to give me any orders?"

Ganondorf looked up at Zant with a scowl, "When Link and Zelda come for me, and they will, let them come. I will destroy them and receive both the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage."

Zant nodded, "Of course, Ganondorf."

"Oh, look," Ganondorf smirked. "They're here."

Sure enough, Link, Zelda, and Midna stood at the enterence of the throne room. The expressions they held on their faces meant strictly business. Ganondorf stood from the throne and unsheathed his sword. "It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"It should of stayed that way," Zelda replied coldly.

Ganondorf laughed, "But I missed all of you. Especially because you two have something I desperately want. But before we start any of that, tell me where the Triforce of Power is and I'll let your passing be swift."

Midna rose her right hand, "Is this a good enough answer?"

Ganondorf's eyes widened, "This is wonderful! All of the wielders of the Triforce under the same roof? It's not even my birthday, but still you bring me presents."

"Ghirahim?" Zant saw Ghirahim cower behind Midna's height. "What are you doing over there?"

"I chose another side," Ghirahim replied. "I am sorry."


"Long story short, I really like Link's sword. She's amazing," Ghirahim smiled.

Ganondorf rolled his eyes, "Oh, please. That's probably the most horrible excuse I've ever heard of!"

"It's good enough for me."

The Queen and the King (Continuing the story of "The Princess And The Wolf")Where stories live. Discover now