Chapter Twenty-two: Happily Ever After

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Zelda smiled up at the stars, "You know I really missed the stars when Ganondorf came and took over. I thought I would never see them again."

It had been six months after Link, Zelda, and Midna banished Ganondorf to the Dark World. During that time the clouds of darkness had cleared and the sky was visible once more. Tonight was the evening of Link and Zelda's long awaited wedding.

Midna was Zelda's Maid of Honor, while Shad was Link's Best Man. Since Auru had been Zelda's father figure ever since her real father had died, he had the honor of giving Zelda away. Now Link was officially the King of Hyrule ruling at Zelda's side.

"You're right," Link smiled as he leaned against the balcony railing. Link and Zelda had left the wedding reception to have a breath of fresh air after their busy day. "I'm glad I can see them here with you."

"I couldn't say it better myself," Zelda replied, pulling her gaze away from the stars to look at Link. "Have I ever told you you look very nice in a suit?"

"Today's the first time I've ever wore a suit," Link laughed. "But I never imagined how pretty you'd look in white."

Zelda blushed, "I think we make a really good team, right?"

"Of course," Link replied frankly. "Especially after you saved me from myself at Arbiters Grounds."

"Hm?" Zelda looked at Link in confusion.

"You know how you helped me figure out my weaknesses," Link started. "Turns out my strength can become my downfall. You helped me overcome my pride, Zelda. Thank you."

Zelda smiled, "Thank you. Do you remember the promise we made that day?"

Link smiled back and nodded, "How can I forget? I will be your courage--"

"And I will be your wisdom," Zelda finished his sentence.

Link looked to Zelda's eyes in awe, "Yes. I was thinking..."

"You were thinking?"

Link laughed, "You never fail to make me smile."

"Hey, you never fail to make me smile," Zelda elbowed Link playfully.

"Anyways, yeah I was thinking," Link continued. "It's thought maybe we can make another promise. What do you think?"

Zelda nodded, "Yes. What did you have in mind?"

Link hooked his pinky finger with Zelda's. Their eyes met, which made Zelda laugh. "This is part of the promise?"

"Yeah," Link smiled. "It's called a pinky promise. I made them all the time as a kid.

"So, this promise I'm going to make is an important one. You have to swear you will never break it," Link explained.

"I swear," Zelda laughed.

"You will always be my princess?" Link asked with a smile.

Zelda, who saw where this was going, smiled. "And you will always be my blue eyed beast?"

"Of course I will," Link promised.

Zelda lifted her hand to Link's face, "Then I will always be your princess."

"Do you love me?" Link asked.

Zelda planted a kiss on his lips, "Do you take that as a good enough awnser?"

Link laughed and took Zelda's hand in his. "I take it as a yes."

And they lived happily ever after.

Author's Note

Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! It was pretty fun to write! This was the first time I wrote a sequel that worked out :)

Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! It was pretty fun to write! This was the first time I wrote a sequel that worked out :)

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The end.

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