chapter 1

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ok, so I  deleted the original R.A.I.F cause I didn't like how it turned out so im restarting. Kapeesh? Kapeesh.


Harry's POV

"Its important that you find a wife soon! You'll be king and will have to have a wife who is capable of taking on the responsibility of queen."

My father just broke the news telling me there will be a celebration for my coming of age. Im not to thrilled. Girls treat you different when you're royalty. All the ladies that will be there are probably rich snobs anyways so why try?

I need to get out of this place, even if its for a few hours, I just need space to breathe freely.


I set out at 2:15 so the sun would have warmed up the frozen air around me. Not many people out today, I suppose they're trying to keep warm inside. 

I don't know exactly what to think about this celebration. would I really find her? What if I don't, then what?  how am I to know shes the one?

I have one week to make an excuse as to why there shouldn't be a celebration.

Clare's POV

"Clare get up damn it woman! youre late for work!" Jenn screams in my ears.

My eyes pop open at the words of late and work. I open my eyes to a frantic Jenn with wild eyes shoving clothes at me.

"That's impossible! I set my alarm for 12:00 PM so this wouldn't happen!" I search for my phone in the never ending maze of bed sheets. Thank god I have a roommate like Jenn who is my personal alarm.

After changing and doing my other necessities I grab my house keys and wallet only to be greeted by the frozen air outside.

The streets aren't busy as I thought, thank you winter!


I made it with two minutes to spare. Thankful that its only ten minutes from the house. Gemma is behind the counter flipping through a magazine.

Something catches my eye on the front cover as the puts it to the side.

"Hey Clare" Gemma greets me with a large smile. She's always so perky and happy, where does she get this bright energy from cause I could certainly use it.

I join her behind the counter as we wait for more people to show for a hot beverage or a muffin. I notice the G from the sign up from is out. Now it says 'Emma's Coffee'. I'll have to fix that later.

I slide the magazine Gemma was looking through in front of me to look at the cover. Something about how Justin Bieber was put in jail and Demi Lovato might have a secret romance going on. What I was searching for was in the bottom left of the cover. "King and Queen announce royal celebration for Prince Harry's coming of age and hoping he finds a wife"

Theres something a little off about the picture of the three of them. King and Queen all smiles while Prince Harry had a stern face.

"He doesn't look to excited about the celebration" Gemma pointed to the picture of Harry. "If only we could get into that celebration but its invitation only" I pointed out. Gemma frowned slightly at the thought.

A man in an expensive suit walks in. He's about 6'3 with a buzz cut hair style. He has an ear piece and is talking into a small microphone hooked up to the ear piece.

He comes our way and I begin to doubt he's here for coffee.

"Excuse me but have you seen this young man walk through here today" he pulls out a picture of Prince Harry.

"Sorry, no we haven't" Gemma replies with a flat tone as if she thinks this guys just pulling some bullshit prank.

"If you do, contact us immediately" he whips out a business card with the name Paul and his contact number on it. and with that he turns to walk out the door without another word.

Gemma heads toward the back of the kitchen to do the dishes while I sit and watch the news on tv.

Harry's POV

It seemed to get colder the more I walked away from the palace. I come upon a coffee shop, "Gemma's Coffee", but the G is out.

I walk in to find a girl with auburn hair, grey eyes, and freckles. She hasn't seen me come in yet, not glancing away from the news. something about a car crash injuring three people.

"Uh, hi"

she glances at me and gives me a warm smile.

'Hi, what can I get you?" she asks, while typing something into the register. 

realizing ive never made my own coffee before, I don't know what it is. all these flavors make it harder to choose.

"well, ive never heard of any of these things so what ever is best would be fine". She looks at me as if im crazy. what did I say?

"you've never had coffee before?!" she laughs.

"I have, but ive never made it myself so im not really sure what all of this is". I wave my hand motioning to the menu on the wall.

"Well, how about we start you off with just a regular coffee with sugar and cream. does that sound good?" she asks me while staring at the menu.

"Yea, that's good". she types my order into the register and starts working on it. It smells amazing in here. is this why she works here?

she notices me looking around with a curious expression. why is she staring at me like I just crawled out from under a rock? maybe cause ive lived under one my whole life, my subconscious reminds me.

She hands me my coffee and tells me the total is $6.41. I pull out my wallet with the secret stash of money I keep. since I don't leave the palace very often theres no need to have extra money so they put it in the family bank.

"Are you the only one working here?" I figured since i'll more than likely have to go through with this celebration I would invite this girl for being so kind.

"No, my friend/ boss works here too. Do you need her?" she tells me. "Oh no, I was just curious".

its time for me to start making my way back to the palace so I bid the girl, whos nametag reads Clare, goodbye.

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