Chapter 6

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Clare's POV

The rest of the night was a blur. All I can remember is someone telling me Harry kept watching me. I don't know who but I doubt it was true.

I woke up with a bad hang over. I tried not to drink to much but Gemma and Jenn kept shoving it in my face all night.

I dial Gemma but no answer. Good thing we're closed today.

I eventually get the motivation to make my way into the kitchen to find a slumped over Jenn.

She cradles a hot cup of coffee with a water bottle and aspirin close by.

"Dude you were shit faced last night." I tell her.

Jenn just flips me off. "I know, I kind of got the memo this morning when I woke up."

"Trust me, I got the same memo." We giggle.


The morning consisted of more sleep and aspirin. The pounding in my head was nearly gone.

I don't know how Jenn is holding up but I hope she isn't dying.

My wrist still hurt a little when I moved or put to much pressure on it. Harry was so sweet for taking me to get checked out.

Soon the doorbell rang and I wasn't in the best mood. Stupid hang over. Why do people have to bother me today?

I open the door to be met by a strange girl.

"Umm, can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes. Actually I came to help you." I still don't know who this girl is.

"Why would I need help?" Why is this girl bothering me?

"I just came to warn you. I was at the celebration last night and saw you there as well. You need to stay away from Harry. I didn't like you running off with him when he should have been there with me. Obviously you didn't get the memo that me and Harry are practically a thing now. I'd appreciate it if you backed off." the girl glared at me.

"Sorry but I'm a bit confused. Last time I knew Harry wasn't with anyone and I wasn't trying to make a move on him or something. He was taking me to the doctors. Honestly I couldn't care less if you guys were 'together'. And I saw you last night too, every time Harry walked by you, you would stick out your chest further to attract him but oops, looks like he didn't give you the attention." I snicker.

The girl is clearly embarrassed by how I noticed her slutty ways of attracting men. Her face was a deep red and she looked like she wanted to rip my hair out. The girl turned around without another word making her way back to her car.

How did she even know where I lived? Creep.

I shut the door and grab some food. Obviously that girl had some problems.

Harry's POV

"Harry, did you meet anyone special last night?" my mother asks.

"No, not really." I tell her.

"But I saw you with a girl yesterday. Where did you two go?" Can she stop pestering me with this stuff. I understand I'm supposed to find a wife but i'd like to have a proper girlfriend first.

"Oh, I ran into her and we both fell. She hurt her wrist so I took her to get checked out." I told her.

"You are such a klutz Harold. What was the girls name? Im going to invite her to dinner this week to make up for it." No, she doesn't need to interfere.

"No mother. Clare already knows I'm sorry about it."

"Oh so her name is Clare! Well since you told me her first name, why not tell me the last?" Shit.

"I don't know her last name." I admit.

"But how did you get her the invitation?"

"I don't know, she just got it." I shrugged. 

"Well i'll have Paul search for her." she turns to one of the kitchen staff asking for Paul. Minutes later he walks in.

"How may I help you?" Paul asked.

"Can you search the video surveillance and look for the young girl Harry was with last night?" My mother asked.

"Yes, but Prince Harry was with many young girls last night. Would you like me to print a picture of all?" Paul asked.

"Yes." my mother dismissed him and turned back to me. "Harry, did you consider the girl for a future possibility?"

"Mum, that wasn't on my mind last night. I just wanted to enjoy the party." I confessed.

"Harry, that party wasn't for you to enjoy. As much as i wished it was, you need to be thinking of your future wife. I'm going to have to talk to your father about this." She got up leaving me alone as I finish breakfast 

What was the big deal really? They cant really force me into anything, can they?

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