Chapter 17

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Cassian's POV

Her limp body lay in my arms as we sit under the rain.

My thick tears mix with the small rain droplets falling from the atmosphere.

It is dark out and all of a sudden, I can feel a menacing presence behind me.

I don't dare turn around until I hear the swift sound of a light saber being awakened.

"Cassian Andor. You have failed to retrieve Jyn and now she is dead. Because of you.", he says as he raises his arms with his light saber tight in his grasp, ready to send me a deadly blow to the head.

"No! It's not my fault!", I scream and grasp onto Jyn for dear life.

My eyes shoot open as the only thing to be heard in my room is my heavy, loud breathing.

Sweat runs down my brow as I feel sobs wrack over my body.

It's my fault. Jyn has been kidnapped and is possibly dead because I didn't take her serious enough.

Mon Mothma gave Luke and I permission to start a search for Jyn which is suprising as the Rebels are usually not willing to start a search for a single person. Luke and I were able to convince her to start a search for Jyn, someone who has risked everything for the rebellion when she didn't have to and, not to mention, is the main reason the Rebel Alliance was even able to take down the Empire.

We were told to leave tomorrow but it's actually today judging by the fact that my sleepless hour this night is 3 am.

I can't wait until tomorrow but I have to hold it because what am I going to do searching the galaxy all by myself. I admit, I'm skilled, but not that skilled.

I get out of bed and resolve to take a walk to my ship in the outdoor hangar to hopefully tire me out and bring me sleep.

I walk painfully slow to make the time pass quicker.

I finally arrive outside to the hangar and look up to the stars in the galaxy. I wonder where in this vast galaxy Jyn could be.

I will never stop searching for her. Never.

That is, unless I'm too late to save her.

Stop being so negative, Cassian! Like Jyn said, Rebellions are build on hope!

The green landscape of Yavin IV that can be seen from the outdoor hangar by day is completely hidden by the darkness of the wee morning hours.

I walk into my ship and get my belonging in order for our search tomorrow, not wanting to be delayed by even a second.

When I turn on the lights of the ship's interior, the greenery near by and other ships in the hangar are dimly illuminated.

As I take a look from the front window paneling of the ship, I notice a lump on the concrete of the otherwise flat hangar floor.

The light of my ship exposes only the outline of the lump as it is slightly far from the ship.

"What the that?", I whisper to myself in both wonder and caution.

My curious ways get the best of me and thank the Force that they did for as I walked closer and closer to the lump, I identify it as a human.

Their back is to me as they lay on the floor, a face of worry presumably on my face.

I flip them over to get a look on their face but I don't even have to to know who it is as I study their attire and hair within a few seconds.

It is Jyn.

I give out a strangled breath.

I look at her face for a second before realizing I need more light.

I carry her like a child as quickly as I can to my ship and lay her down on a bench inside.

She is gaining her consciousness back slowly as I examine her completely in desperation.

She flutters her eyes and soon realizes where she is.

She looks up at me with such wanting as I have never before witnessed and I look at her with an equal amount of it.

"Who...who d-did this to you?", I say with an unsteady voice, tears of relief in my eyes.

"I told you it would happen.", she says and suddenly a smirk appears on her face.

I am so in love with this crazy woman. The one who would smirk in this kind of situation. Who would find the joy in the absolute worst times as well as be the most serious of leaders in the same instance.

"Oh, Stardust.", I say with a relieved giggle accompanied by more tears.

As she lays on the bed, I lean down and hug her with so much passion, I think I might implode. My hands clutch onto her clothing and my head is in the nape of her neck as my body shivers from the sobs.

"Shhh, Cass. It's okay. I'm fine, baby. I'll explain everything to you tomorrow.", she says as she gentle strokes my back.

"You could have died...and it would have been my fault.", I whimper.

"Oh, Cassie.", She says, bringing my head up to meet her eyes, "It was my nightmare and it was my decision to not read into it enough. I'm the one to blame for my kidnapping...not you."

She looks into my eyes with her emerald green ones. I will make sure that everyday from now on, those emerald eyes are what I wake up to everyday.

"Jyn, it was my job to protect you.", I whine as she gives me a face, "Yes, I know you can take care of yourself and that you're a strong woman are the love of my life and-and there is some kind of obligation that comes with that.", I say hesitantly but firmly.

She brings her hand to my cheek and I lean into it, closing my eyes and relishing in the feeling of her skin on mine.

"Take me home, Cass.", she says.

She doesn't need to say more.

I carry her bridal-style across the base to my room. We go up stairs and through halls, almost never losing our loving gaze at each other.

I set her down on my bed as we arrive to my dormitory.

"I'm starting to feel my toes again.", she says as she looks down at her wiggling toes.

"I'm never going to regret any second of time I have with you from now on.", I say, ignoring her comment, having been overcome with such emotion I've never felt before.

After that, I lay down with Jyn in my arms as we simply gaze up at each other with love and compassion ablaze in our eyes.
Author's Note:

Are you guys liking Cassian's POV? I think it's important that we see his emotions in a way that isn't simply through his dialogue. We have to see what's going on inside his head. Ok, let me stop trying to be a teacher.

So, it's graduation day in my school so the administration excused everyone from school today since most of the teachers will be at graduation. Hell yes! That means that I might do a double update today!

Please remember to comment and vote! Thank you so much to those who have done both! It means the world to me.

May the Force be with you guys.

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