Chapter 21

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It is now 7:00 in the morning and somehow the time has pasted with Cassian, Han, Leia, and I chatting the morning away on our wedding, Ben, and the move from this base.

I did the favor of calling on Luke to come and see his new nephew.

He enters into the hospital room gracefully with a goofy grin on his face.

"How is the little squirt?", he says, crouching down to see the baby, a funny look on his face.

He proceeds to walk over to Leia and gives her a big hug.

"You know you could have woken me up.", he says to her.

She shrugs as Luke gives Han a strong pat on the back in pride.

I walk over to the bin filled with blankets where the baby lay, resting, as Luke joins me.

"Isn't he a cutie? I wonder where he gets the black hair from, though.", I comment, only now noticing the small black sprouts of hair popping out of his smooth head.

"That's a good question. Must be from Han's side of the family.", he says as he reaches a hand to the child's head.

Luke seems to freeze in place with wide eyes, his hands still on the Ben's small head.

"Luke? Are you okay?", I ask, tapping his arm.

He turns around with a suprised and hopeful look on his face.

"He is force sensitive.", he says looking at all of us.

"Who?", asks Leia with a confused face.

"Ben. He has the Force flowing through him.", he says with a smile.

We all remain with mouths open, shocked.

"So, he could become a Jedi?", asks Cassian, the first to speak.

"Yes. And I won't be the last Jedi anymore.", replies Luke.

"Well, we should just wait and see if he wants to be a Jedi or not.", said Leia with a nervous laugh.

I think everyone knew that meant she didn't want that fate for Ben.

"You know that I didn't exactly have a choice when I became a Jedi but at the end, I will never regret it.", Luke started with a serious look on his face.

Leia gave him a sympathetic look.

"I understand but that isn't the case with Ben. I'm sure there are plenty of Force sensitive children who want to be Jedis.", she said, making hand motions to show the vast universe.

Han, Cassian, and I watch in silence as a dispute between very close siblings unfolds.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't mess with destiny. The Force works in mysterious ways and if Ben is Force-sensitive, then it's for a reason.", says Luke, kissing the child's small head before exiting the room as gracefully as he entered.
"I've never seen Luke so upset. Ever.", I say, sitting on a metal crate in the hangar.

Cassian sits next to his ship, fixing a busted hydraulic panel. K2 is inside the ship, taking out what was left from the previous mission.

"Well I don't know Luke like you do so I wouldn't know.", says Cassian, "It seems quite a few have taken a strong liking to you Jyn."

"You know I hate it when you say shit like that, Cassian.", I say with purses lips.

"Well, its true. You just don't notice.", he says, obviously jealous.

"I don't understand why you always like things go to your head. Can't you just trust me?", I say with pleading hands.

"Due to your history, Jyn Erso, you are not very trust worthy.", says K2 poking his head out of the ship's ramp.

"Thanks for that, K2.", I say, side glancing him with narrow eyes.

"I just cant help but notice it, Jyn.", Says Cassian with shrugged shoulders, "And I do trust you.", he finishes, pointing a tool at me.

"Then you need to trust me when I tell you that I only have eyes for you, Captain.", I say, snaking my hands around him from behind and nibbling on his ear.

He gets so turned on when I call him 'Captain'. A weird fetish, I suppose.

"Not here, Jyn.", he says, giving a small smirk.

"We're on the far side of the hangar, no one can see us.", I say running my hands down his chest, kissing his tanned neck.

He quickly stands up and presses a firm kiss on my lips, trying to slip in some tongue.

Oh shit, K2 is here.

"Oh, I forgot something in the medical center. Be right back.", I say walking away quickly, leaving behind a wide mouthed Cassian.

Oh Jyn, you're such a tease, I smirk to myself.
"So this is the dress.", I say, laying beside Leia in her room, showing her the sketch of my simple wedding dress.

"I guess it's true that less is more.", Leia says smiling.

It's been a week since Ben was born and my wedding is now in one week.

"Yup. And Shami told me she's almost done with it.", I say with a wide smile.

"I still can't believe you're getting married next week!", she says," It seems like only yesterday you had just come back from..."

"Scarif. Don't be afraid to say it." I say softly, placing a hand over hers, "The PTSD is much better and anyways, that's an important event in my life that I don't ever plan to ignore."

Leia goes over to a crying Ben and picks him up, bringing him over to the bed.

"Besides, I can't wait to have myself one of these little guys.", I say with a baby voice.

"Did Cassian tell you anything about having kids?", she says with wide eyes.

"Yes...", I smile and she squeals.

As Leia rocks Ben in her arms, his crys subside. I hope to be a good mother someday. If I ever am a mother. I'm in no rush.

"I know...I would love to have a child but...not right now. I'm still young and I want to be able to fight for this cause while I am this age without being tied down.", I say looking down at her beige sheets.

"I totally understand. Although, you are going to marry Cassian and that, in a way, is like being tied down.", she says with a slight shrug.

"I get what you mean but Cassian and I are mission partners so we are always together on missions and he and I are willing to risk our lives for the cause in a way a child obviously wouldn't understand.", I say rubbing Ben's cute, little head.

Leia simply stares at me with a smile.

"What?", I say with a slight blush.

"You and Cassian just warm my heart. The way you love the Rebellion as much as you love each other. I've never seen anything like it.", She says with compassion.

I smile, looking down at the her bed sheets again.

"Anyways, I was thinking for your hair for the wedding we could do something like...", Leia begins, making hand gestures with her charismatic attitude.
Author's Note:

So this book will be ending soon! I'm thinking two more chapters. The wedding will be included of course.

I might do a Reylo fanfic after this one is over but I'm not sure yet. We'll see. *wink wink*

I'll show you guys her wedding dress in the next chapter.

May the Force be with you guys.

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