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* ⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ *
This story will eventually cover many sensitive topics like sexual abuse, neglect, suicidal thoughts, night terrors, insomnia, anxiety, depression, homophobia and more. If you are sensitive to things like these then please do not read. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. (There is still humour, slice of life and fluff dw )

Period 1

Lance sat down at his lab desk, only several minutes late for first period.
He lazily threw his bag on the floor beside his stool, ignoring the way the science teacher glared at him. Hunk and him greeted each other silently with a nod as the teacher resumed her lesson. 
"So! with these samples of  Glaucophyte algae, graciously donated to us from the Ripely's volunteers.
You will all study your own individual sample.
You will be making a diagram and stating a minimal of 5 facts on algae for your culminating project.
Starting from the people in the front row leading back, go and get your microscopes.
Two pairs at a time, you all should know the drill by now.".

Lance and hunk being at the front of the class ment they got to get their gear first, Score!
They got up and made their way past the rest of their class mates.
On his way he noticed Keith who appeared to be sleeping.
He had his head down folded into his arms and there was the sound of faint snoring.
Pidge, who sits beside him was too busy playing piano tiles on her phone to care that Keith was drooling on the table.
As the two boys walked by lance stopped for a moment and ruffled Keith's hair playfully.
Alerting him to wake up while also making fun of his ridiculous haircut like he always did.
Keith startled after a second, looking up at him with tired eyes. he half pouted- half glared at lance, while trying to pat away the frizz.
Lance gave him a devious grin and continued behind Hunk to the supply room.

--Hunk and Lance got their microscopes and goggles then sat back down at their desk.
The next two pairs made their way to the back room following the next and the next... until it was finally at the back row. (A.k.A the row that Keith was in.). Lance looked back to see that Keith was passed out cold, again.
He noticed that Pidge was poking at him, prodding him to wake up so they could get their gear.
The pair across from them had already gotten their stuff. "Keith! Keith! get up you lazy bag of bones!" She whisper-shouted, tugging on his arm.

Lance stood up, being careful not to scrape his chair against the cheap tiles.
He walked to the back desk to assist Pidge. Mainly to get a good kick out of it, maybe he should take a video and post it on snap chat.
Lance kneeled down, resting his chin and arms on the table. first he gave a few experimental nudges while whistling and snapping. Pidge watched him closely. Then he tried ruffling Keith's hair again, but that didn't work. No matter though, he was just getting started.

" Hey Keiiithhh~" lance snickered. "Time for a hair cuutt...". He joked, pretending to snip the ends of Keith's hair off with his fingers.
Lance frowned.
"KEITH LOOK ALIENS!" He screeched just as Hunk came up behind lance to see what he was doing. --" Oh, oh I know! HEY KEITTHH I HEARD MCR IS DOING A CONTRY ALBUM!!" Hunk chuckled.
Keith responded to neither of the silly claims. "Man he's out cold...". Lance didn't know if he should laugh his ass off or be genuinely worried about this guys health.
He's known Keith for a while and Keith is not a heavy sleeper, In fact he's just the opposite.
This was really out of character for him.

Slowly, Lance pried Keith's arms away from his face. "Keith?...".

Lance made a strange noise in his throat.
Furrowed brows and long black eyelashes damp with tears.
The boys expression looked so tragic and hurt, it made his heart sore.

"Keith? Keith?? Keith?!" He shook him, more frantically now. "Wake up man!".

Suddenly Keith gasped awake., "oh guh..huh what- sorry-sorry! I'm up!".

"A-are you okay dude?" Lance asked. his eyes searched for answers in Keith's but he quickly broke eye contact. "Yeah, yeah. sorry... I just was up last night studying. Didn't get enough sleep I guess." He shrugged, Wiping his eyes.
"Huh?... did someone pour water on me? How fast asleep was I?" Keith Questioned.
Typically lance would make fun of him for crying, but The pained look on Keith's face was still on his mind.
"Oh uh were Crying. Though water was going to be my next move FYI.".

Keith hummed casually in acknowledgement, though it was obvious he was embarrassed.
Lance had never seen Him cry before and he certainly didn't expect this to be the first time he did. Hunk and Pidge just stood there, observing the boys exchange with no intent to intrude.

"Soo like, what were you dreaming about?" Lance asked, doing his best to sound nonchalant.

"I... um.. what?"

" I was just curious cuz you seemed really... upset."

Keith's eyes darted again. "Oh, uh. Did I? I dont really remember the dream.".
He was lying through his teeth and lance knew it, but  didn't feel like he should call him out on it, something felt off.

"Oh... okay." Lance shuffled awkwardly. "Welp! I we'll leave you to do your work then. Dont fall asleep again!"

Keith nodded. "Okay, thanks. I'll try".

Hunk began walking towards their desk and lance slowly trailed behind.
Though he kept looking back at Keith like a worried mom throughout the period.

After the bell Lance immediately stood up. Catching Keith at the door. 

"Uh listen man... I know this is random but- like..if you ever need someone to talk to or something ... just let me know okay?".

Keith raised a brow. "Oh, Uh... thanks? I'm fine though I swear.".

"Alright... just promise me you'll let me know if anything is ever bothering you. Well y'know if you..want to. I dont care.
Well- Not like I dont care care.  I ment like as in I dont care if you dont want to talk to me just. Like. I'm here okay?" Lance was blubbering like an idiot.

'Right, and where is this coming from all of a sudden? You dont even like me.'
Keith offered a weak smile.
"Uh sure... thanks Lance."

Lance grinned back toothily. Giving Keith a pat on the back.
"Well! see you at lunch mullet!" He called before running down the corridor.

"... yeah..see ya.".

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