Simple minded

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The duo made their way to their friends  who were all waiting patiently at the bus stop for them.
When they got to the shelter Hunk and Pidge noticed something was most definitely off between the two boys, more so than usual.
Not wanting make things more awkward than they already were they decided against saying anything.

Shortly after the bus arrived and the four of them piled on. Each thanking the bus driver politely after giving their tickets. They took the seats at the back of the bus.
There were two sets of doubles facing each other, Just enough room for the four of them.
Luckily the seats were open and they didn't have to spilt up or sit behind one another.

The bus ride to Lance's  house was relatively normal, aside from the strange tension between the two boys.
Keith ignored his friend prying gaze, pretending not to notice.

- - -

Finally arriving at the McClain residence after a short walk from the bus stop, the group entered the very familiar house and are greeted warmly by lance's mother Rosa.
"Holà little ones, dios Its so good to see you all!"
She beamed with delight,  giving  Pidge, Hunk, and Lance bear hugs.
She paused when she saw Keith.

"Oh keith, I haven't seen you in some time now. We've really missed you."
She smiled sadly before wrapping him up in a loving hug. Keith normally dosent hug people... but he would kill a puppy in cold blood for this woman and sinks into the hug with a small glint of a smile. "I missed you all too, I'm sorry I didn't visit." He said softly.

"Nonsense. " Rosa tutted.
"no need to apologize just remember that you're always welcome here." She said pulling away and giving Keith a kiss on the cheek. "Now you all go have fun 'studying"
lance, hunk, and pidge didn't realize they were holding their breath.
"O-of course mama, come on guys let's go upstairs." Said lance, gesturing towards the stairs.
"You know the way."

Surprisingly enough out of all of lances friends, keith is the family favourite.
His family all adore Keith, and And he seems to like Lance's mother better than lance himself, and he tends to leave during 'study' sessions to Help with dishes, make dinner or to watch golden girls with her.
No body really minds because of how adorable it is.

- - -
They all collect in Lance's room and they put on a horror movie and chill out.

By 6 Hunk has to leave and by 8 Pidge follows suit and calls it a night as well.
Keith hadn't left with Pidge as he normally would . As the clock approached 10 and Keith was still there playing outlast, Lance began to wonder if he was ever going to leave.
Not that he'd mind if keith stayed for the night it would just be... unusual.

Lance sighs " Hey aren't you getting bored of this yet?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean you've been playing for hours aren't you board?"
Keith looked down at his phone and back at lance, he seemed anxious.
"Oh... yeah I guess it's getting late. I'll head out, my bad sorry."
Lance immediately stopped him.
" No no! You can stay if you want! I really dont mind. I just thought you would want to do something else."

Keith looked at him with an expression he couldn't read. "Thanks, but I shouldn't have stayed this long anyways. I'd better get home."
The Cuban boy looked at him wearily. "Okay..."

Keith began to collect his things and swung his bag over his shoulder before opening the door to leave. He made it halfway through the door before Lance stopped  him. " Wait... keith."
He looked over at Lance a little taken aback. "Uh...Yeah?"
He hesitates, "Do you um... have to go home? I mean would you maybe spend the night tonight?.  Don't make fun of me but uh... I'm kinda scared to sleep alone y'know cuz of the movie."
Lance was lying, he didn't know why but he felt so desperate to convince the boy to stay.

Keith looked surprised and seemed to think about it for a bit.
He smiled slightly, letting out a breathy laugh.
"I'm sure you'll be fine lance.
Just get one of your siblings to sleep with you if your that scared." He teased, shutting the door behind him.


- - -
It's half past midnight when lance hears a tap on his window.
Looking over with tired eyes that wake in an instant. His heart almost falls out of his ass when he sees Keith outside his window sitting on a tree.

Lance scrambled out of bed and opened the window.
"Jesus fuck dude...What the hell are you doing here??"

Keith hopped through the window like a modern day samurai. "Sorry..." the boy muttered with his head held down, covering his face with his long, messy hair.

He had an assortment of what appeared to be gashes and bruises on his face and there were big ugly marks of purple under his collar.
"Woah.. Keith? Are you oka-" Lance was interrupted.
"I just felt bad. Since you said you were scared and I left."

"But Keith..."

"It's okay, I'll stay over so you can sleep.
No need to thank me." Keith joked.

Lance didn't know what to say.
He didn't know what to do in a situation like this.
He didn't know how to respond so he didn't... he simply stayed silent and watched as Keith sat on the floor and rested his head on the side of lance's mattress.

Lance slipped back onto his bed. "Uh... You can sleep up on the bed with me you know?
The floors gonna be too hard."

"It's fine. "Keith whispered. "I'm not gonna sleep anyways."

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