I'm a Little Nervous

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"Sir? Sir? What's your name?" But she already knows my name..

"My name's Phillip..."

"What's your major?"

"I'm a poet...um, I'm a little nervous, but I can't show it.."

"Thank you, Phillip."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm a Hamilton with pride!" I laugh. The lady at the desk laughs as well, her white hair bouncing in its curly nature. Pops told me to call her Grandma Washington, or Mrs.Martha... I'll stick with the first one though. Grandma Washington hands me a schedule and dorm number. I chose to be put in a three to four person dorm, this years' classes are crowded. Grandma kisses my cheek before shooing me off into the direction of my dorm. Here we go Phillip. I tell myself. I start to walk up a flight of stairs, afraid of the elevator. Yeah. I'm scared of elevators and the number seven. It all started in middle school with the number thing, although I'm not sure about the whole ele- oh right. I shiver, almost causing myself to miss a step. My messenger bag and a small suitcase are tucked into my body, which makes it easier to carry. The stairway stinks of heavy dust, rubber, shoes, and something else I can't quite describe.. Almost like a new book smell. The red and green carpeted stairs are held in place by a cement base. It seems like everything about this college is fancy except the stair ways. I find that interesting. I finally make it up to floor two and then start searching for room 1782. When I reach the door, a shaky exhale escapes my chapped lips. Un deux trois...trois duex un... I count to three in French and back to help my nerves calm down. It helps a small bit, not much though. I open the door to see an empty place. Thank God.. That also means I get first pick on rooms and such. Yes!

I choose the middle room. It's not too far from the bathroom or kitchen, and it's right next to everyone else's room. Perfect. Bzz. Bzz. My phone buzzes. I look at it to see that Pops has texted me.

Pops: Hey Pip! I hope that Mrs.Washington could help you find your dorm!!
PiptheHam: She did, thanks Pops. I'm just waiting for my roommates to get here. Love you.

I shut my phone off then start to unpack, which only takes me two minutes. I have a ton of things to put on my walls. For instance, a picture of myself and Uncle Laf next to the Ifle Tower, or pictures of my siblings...or my pride flags, but y'know... I put those up right next to my bed stand, they're both pretty big. I hear a door open and close. Ah. Show time.

"Hi! I'm Phillip Hamilton and I'll be your roommate, well, one of them." I smile at the gorgeous girl. I'm not going to lie, she's beautiful.

"I-I'm Theodosia Burr Alston Junior, but um, please call me Theo." She offers her hand for me to shake, in which I do.

"There's one more person to show up now, so, you've got your pick on rooms." I smile as I lead her to the hallway. As she chooses a room, I notice a pin on her backpack that seems oddly familiar. Oh. Whoops. So..that's interesting.

"Hey- uh, Phillip?" Theo asks.


"I uh.. need to... Tell you something.." She trails off.

"You're pan?" I offer.

"Yes! Don't be mad..?"

"What? Never. It's nice to know that there's another lgbt person here," A smile crosses my freckled face. She raises a brow.

"I'm bi and poly..." I mumble. Her whole face lights up.

"I can see that we'll get along just fine then." We talk about random things for the next five minutes before the door opens to reveal a really...really cute guy.. wait no what stop it. You give your heart away too quickly Pip! Pull yourself together! I mentally scream at myself. I've been tolf that I have a fickle heart... sometimes it can be true.

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