I'm Making My Father Proud

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     "I'm graduating today, Pops. I hope you're gonna watch the ceremony from Heaven, I really want you to see it.. Theo says you'll watch, but George doesn't know.

We all miss you, Pops. Uncle Jack Laurens took it the hardest, I think. He said;

     "I'll never forget that stupid smile he always gave before he did something reckless.. I'll never forget all the times we had gotten drunk together.. and I'll never forget the letters we used to send from dorm to dorm so people couldn't track our texts.. I'll never forget him."

I think he loved you, Pops.. like Mom loves you. She only wears black now, and rarely ever puts on makeup.. from what I've seen, anyways. I asked her to wear blue today, for the graduation, but I don't know.

Will you please be there to see? I just want them to smile.

I want everyone to smile.. and I can't make that happen on my own. I love you, Pops.. I'll talk to you some more tomorrow.." I say, then stand up. My fathers grave lays in front of me, like it has for the past month.

I come here every weekend. Sometimes I even bring George. Theodosia doesn't like these kinds of places.. they make her cry.

I close my eyes and wipe my face off, turning around.

     "You know, he was never wrong about you looking like me." Huh?

"Uncle Jack..?" I ask, looking up.

"Hey, kiddo.. Frances asked me to come check on you.. and here I am.. But, I heard what you said back there."


"You were right, though. I do love Alexander like Eliza loves him.. I was just too slow, I guess." He answered. "Anyways, you've got a graduation to catch. Put your hair up and come on."

     I stand on the stage now. My heart is pounding, but both of my hands are taken. One by Theodosia, and the other by George.

"I love you two." I say, glancing at both of them.

"We love you too, Pip." George answers.

I don't think I could have asked for a better day, or
a better life.
I'm madly in love with two people.
Theodosia Burr Alston Jr.
George Eaker.
Maybe some day I'll see my father in Heaven,
But for now all I do to pray is close my eyes and count to


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