Down to Our Socks

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     "What are those." I ask Theo. She sticks her foot out and turns it, as if she were a model and is modeling a pair of socks.

"My socks. My new, fabulous, socks."

"They have pans all over them."

"Yeah! For my pansexuality." She giggles, twirling around in a circle. She does that weird thing I really like where she takes my hands and spins us around, then she ends up in my arms. I hold her close, smiling brightly at her. A girl like her is impossible to find.



"I love you." The words roll off my tongue with ease.

"I love you too." She turns herself around and goes up on her toes a little, leaning in. I lean down and press my lips to hers. Again, that feeling of love washes over me like it did with George.. wow.

     It's been about two- maybe three months into our college lives, and George has to go with his medical group to a place up a few states for five weeks. I'm not going to survive that long! I don't even sleep in my room anymore, I'm usually sleeping in his.. I find it almost impossible to sleep when he isn't around.

"Hey, I love you, I'll text you anytime I can, okay? I promise." He wraps me up in his arms for the last time in a month and a week, then kisses me. I kiss him back, sighing a little when he pulls away and gives Theo a half hug.

"Bye Eacker!" She smiles and waves at him as he leaves. I watch as he exits our dorm with a small frown on my face, I know it's only a short period of time, but I'm not going to survive. Theo pulls me to her room, giggling the whole way.

     "Here!" My blankets are on her bed along with one of George's pillows. She has her green bedsheets on it and her green blanket as well.

"That.. that's a lot of blankets, Theo."

"I know, it'll get cold. You should head to class.. Mr.Lee won't be happy if you're late, Philly." Ugh.

"Okay, I love you, Dosia." I kiss her cheek lightly before sprinting to the hallway and down the stairwell. I'm not going to lie, I've lost ten pounds from taking the stairs. I didn't even weigh much to start with, so.. yeah?

     With five minutes to spare I get to Sociology. Will sits at the desk next to mine. Will. WILL. I run up to him and jump into his arms, I missed my third best friend.


"Hamilton!" The girls walk over to us and join the hug.

"Lafayette! Laurens!" He greets them as well. Just to tick off Lee even more than we already do, we use our last names rather than our first one's. As the bell rings, we take our seats. The whole time, we talked and talked. As long as we were passing his class; we didn't need to pay attention to the man. It was nice.

"Call me later, okay?" I tell the three of them at the end of the school day.



"A'ight!" I get their replies as I leave the classroom.

     "Well, well, well. If it isn't Hamilton." Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson.

"What do you want." I spit.

"Oh nothing... just for you to dump Eacker. I've got him wrapped around my finger, so that's all that's left to do.. so won't you be a lamb, darlin', and do it?" What..? He- no...


"I, I, I?" She mocks.

"Leave me alone." I push her away lightly. I can't hit a girl! Agh!

"Whatever." She stalks off to the girls fraternity house and leaves me to stay outside of the school building. I can't. I can't. I won't. Maybe I should.. no.. think about it..

     Luckily, Theodosia won't be here for another hour. So.. I'm alone. Great. Just what I need. I go into my room and grab my earbuds, then go to Pandora's Music Box on my phone and look for Arts and Roses, hit play, and turn the volume all the way up. Sure it hurts, but I don't care. I need to clear my head. I don't have homework to do, so that's out of the question, and George won't want to talk to me.. he's too busy being Lucy's boy toy.. wait... is that all I am to him? A boy toy? Maybe he really does like her.. I mean, she's got a stereotypical female hourglass thing going on, she has long hair, and she's popular. I don't fit with any of those. A few minutes later I get a text from him.

GMed: Hey, love
PiptheHam: Hi
GMed: How were classes?
PiptheHam: Fine
GMed: Is everything okay?
PiptheHam: Yes.
GMed: What's wrong?
PiptheHam: Do you know Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson?
GMed: Yes, what's up with her?
PiptheHam: She said that she had you wrapped around her finger.. and then told me to break up with you. But don't worry about it, it's all okay here.
GMed: You weren't going to...?
PiptheHam: If you like her.. I won't stop you. I'm just a 'boy toy,' according to her anyways..
GMed: Phillip.
PiptheHam: I know, I know.. She's probably right and you do like her. It's okay! It's okay..
GMed: Phillip.
PiptheHam: What? I told you, I won't stop you. Honestly, she's way better looking and more popular and you know- her dad ranks higher in politics which means she's practically famous..
GMed: phILLIP.
PiptheHam: ?!
GMed: I'm gay.
GMed: I like you.
GMed: I love* you.
PiptheHam: Oh
PiptheHam: I love you too

     Oh. Oh okay. That changed my thoughts.. but I still don't trust her. Lucy, I mean. Slam! Theo runs over to the couch and flops down on top of me.


"Hi..." She groans, curling up.

"Sleepy?" Theo nods. "Hungry?" She nods again."Can I make you dinner?"

"No.. I can.. I can do it.." She tries to get up, but I pull her back down.

"Just rest, hun. I'll do it." I kiss her cheek then head for the kitchen part of our dorm. I pull out a frozen pizza, because that's all I know how to make, and preheat the oven. When that's ready, I pop the pizza in and set the timer.

     "And here you go." I walk over to Theo and hand her the plate of slightly burnt pizza. I didn't mean to burn it!

"Thanks.." She paused to yawn. After she finished eating, she dragged me to her room. It's very nicely decorated, I mean, I did help. She wore sweat clothes to classes, so she didn't have to change. I changed into pajamas whilst I burned the pizza. Whoops. Theo pushes me down on the bed and curls up on top of me, which I don't mind.
"Night night, Philly... I love you." She mumbles into my chest.

"Good night, Dosia. I love you too." I kiss her forehead and mess with her hair until we both fall asleep. Our limbs tangled within each other and somehow both very comfortable. Today was... something. Definitely something. Emotional if anything..

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