I'm a Poet

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"Phillip do you ever stop playing that game?" I look up to see Theo leaning against my door frame. She walks in and sits on my bed, her curly cocoa coloured hair bouncing.

"Maybe, maybe not. It's addicting." I may actually be obsessed with this game called Temple Run. I mean, I almost have the highest score in the whole college. Yeah. I said it.

"I can see that, but maybe you should take a break?" She suggests. I save my game and shut off my phone.

"Fine...I'll be back later," I whisper that last part to my phone. I hear her giggle at my remark.

"You should really try and get ahead on school work." Theo tries to persuade. I grunt in response. Eh...I do have to write a few poems for class...

"Okay... as long as you and George will too." She nods and runs to go get George. I pull out my laptop, well, my dads old one, and head into the living area.

For hours a day,
If miles away,
I could cherish the sound of your laugh.
Every musical note,
Gives up their vote,
For you, my dears, light up the room.
Thou shalt not be as dark as a tomb,
Every hour of the day...
Possibly miles away.

I finish the first one as a warm up, then move on to the next until I have finished the list. The list is supposed to be for the first two months, but it seems so easy to do in... four hours. Whoops.

"Well that was fun." I shut my laptop to see two insanely adorable people asleep on the two couches. Each one hunching over a laptop, and snoring softly. "Holy crap." I mumble as I save their documents and close their computers. I go into their rooms and get their blankets, draping the two covers over both of them. I go into my room and grab my blanket as well, flopping quietly on the couch and falling into a dreamless sleep.

I wish my heart wasn't so fickle,
I wish my brain was smarter than a pickle.
I wish I didn't fall for these two...
I don't know how in the hell I'll survive or what I'll do.

I shoot up from the chair then write that down, sticking it on my wall for good measure.

"Pip... go.. go back to sleep..." George mumbles from his chair. I go back into the living room and sorta just look at him.

"Hm?" I ask.

"You're.. kinda cute when you sleep... go back to doing that.." I can tell he isn't fully awake, his voice is very husky and filled with sleepiness.

"Awe, you really think so?" Maybe I can talk him into going back to sleep, it works on my dad every time.

"Yeah... I do really think so," He pauses to yawn. "Good.. good night Pip.." And with that my job is done, he slowly drifts into a sleep that he wouldn't be woken up from easily.

"Night, Georgey." I smile as I lay back on the couch, my hair swaying around my head. I look to the clock and check the time, 5:07 A.M. I shiver. Seven. Well... get over it and get up.

     "I will blow you all away!" I sing to myself in the shower, using the shampoo as a microphone. "Un, deux, trois, cuatre, sai!" I sing, I don't realize how loud I am until there is clapping outside the bathroom door. My face flushes red, the water may be hot, but my blush is hotter.

"You should sing more often, Pip!" George yells through the door.

"Maybe I should! But I won't!" I make something up quickly, eager to answer Eaker.

"Uh huh." I hear him laugh. Gawd how I love his laugh. "Pip I need to go!" He yells.

"Then use the toilet! The door is unlocked!" I honestly don't mind. I have six siblings, so the bathroom is always crowded at home.

"But- you don't mind?" He sounds as if he is shocked.

"Not really." I shout back. The door clicks open as he walks in.

"Don't look." He says quickly, closing the door.

"I won't, trust me, there is nothing there I wanna see." I giggle.

"Sure, we all know your fallin' for a Slytherin, babe." Did he just? He did just. Oh. We stay quiet for a few moments before I speak up, well, start to sing quietly again as I condition my curls.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in.. but I, can't help.. falling in.." I get quiter, almost silent."Love.. with.. you..." I forgot he was in here, although I can hear him humming the rest.

"You know Elvis?"

"The king? Hell yeah." I smile at his words, at his voice. Maybe I have a problem.


     "C'mon Phillip! Just dance with me!" Theo grabs my hands and spins me around.

"Hey!" I yelp, twirling in a circle. I slip on the wooden floor and almost fall. Almost. George catches me.

"Careful, Pip. You wouldn't want Theo to beat you in being the man." He taunts.

"Oh hush." My face burns red. Theo grabs my hands yet again and lets me spin her. I practiced French and piano with my mother. I danced with my little sister and taught my little brother, so I would say I'm a well-balanced dancer. I spin Theo and put a hand on her waist. The song was a waltz, so I know what I'm doing.

     "George! Dance with him!" Theo pushes Eacker at me. I blush a little bit.

"I-I can't dance.." He laughs awkwardly. She shrugs, taking his hands and putting them on my waist. Oh no. Crap. My face only gets hotter.

"I've got to shower, have fun you two~!" She winks at him then leaves to her room.

"I-I'm sorry, if you don't want t-to then.. you know.." I offer.

"It's fine," He pulls my body a bit closer to his. I hesitantly step forward and put my hands on his shoulders.


"Ready." And the next song plays.

     We danced until five songs were over, then Theo wanted to watch a movie. We end up watching Toy Story, one of my favourites. Although, none of them had to know that. George sits next to Theo, whom is curled up on my lap. Our couch is small, so... it sort of decided the seating arrangements. I sit criss-cross applesauce on one side. Yes I do still say that. Hush. And George sits next to us, leaning against the other chair arm. Before Buzz even gets away from his box, Theodosia is already asleep. George too. I guess sleeping wouldn't be all that bad.. I mean, it might be when I'm right next to my two crush- friends. My two friends.

     I'm sorry,
I cannot decide..
Which one of you are on my hearts inside.
Both of you have won the battle,
Only if I could keep my trap to tattle.
Tattle on my feelings, for the both of you.
Two of you, my hearts love is true.


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