You Can Write Rhymes

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"Dude. It's easy."

"Uhm, how about not? What even rhymes with 'create'?" Theo asks me.

"Agitate, crate, fate, belate, animate, mate, eight, tate, rate, ate, do I need to go on? I mean I could but," I laugh as I spit rhymes. She just stares at me. She signed up for creative writing, so we'd be in the same class. One of our tasks is to write a whole one paged story that rhymed. I already finished mine, but she's having trouble. Her story is about a fairy girl, something I'm not too interested in, but it's Theodosia, so I said I'd help.

When I told my father I liked her, he asked what her full name was.

"Theodosia Burr Alston Junior." I said the name quickly, trying to skip over the Burr part quickly.

"Son, if she makes you happy.. I'll put up with it long enough to not go insane." He said through the phone.

"Thank you so much Pops! But my other roommate is attractive too..."
"Go to Angelica with your crush problems, son. I love you, but I've got to go. Bye!"
"I love you too, Pops. Bye!" I hung it up.

"Thank you so much!" She hugs me after two hours of working on her assignment. I tiredly hug her back.

"You're welcome, Theo." I reply. It should not have taken that long. It really shouldn't have. She reads over it a few more times.

"It's perfect!"

"Probably because you actually tried to help me." I did do most of the work.

"Okay, okay." She says, punching me in the arm lightly. I laugh at her, but in a friendly way.

"I don't wanna."

"But you have to."

"But I don't wanna."

"Phillip you have to. Someone puked on the stairs." I look at the sign on the stairs. I don't want to take the eleavator!

"C'mon, Pip. It's just an eleavator." Eacker put his hand on the button. He doesn't know. Of course he doesn't know. I've never told him. Anyone actually. The only person that knows anything about it is my younger sister, Angelica.

"I-I can't.." I fumble with my hands inside my sweatshirt pocket. He takes one of them then pulls me onto the contraction. I squeak and cling to him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked in a nonoffensive tone. I don't say anything. I can't say anything. I hold onto his arm tightly.

"Pip.. are you okay?" I shake my head. I'm probably overreacting, but I'm terrified.

"Oh.. you're scared." He mumbled. I nod. The doors are already shut, they wouldn't open until it moved.

"Try to chill out, okay?" I nod, but still cling to his arm.

"CAUTION! THIS ELEAVATOR HAS STOPPED MOVING. YOU WILL BE RESCUED IN AN HOUR OR SO. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING." A voice boomed over the monitor. I was alone in the rectangular transportation box. Alone for an hour. No one to talk to. I sat in the corner of the box, almost about to hyperventilate. I wanted out badly. No one came for two hours. Three hours. Three hours I was forgotten about. On the fourth hour cops came and tried to get me out. On the fifth hour the doors opened. Pops stood outside of the doors, waiting. I ran into his arms after I was checked.

"Pip! Are you okay?" He asked me in a panicked voice.

"Yes, yes Pops I'm fine!" I hugged him for awhile. I hadn't had any kind of conversation for five hours. I wanted a hug. And that's how my fear of eleavators started.

"Pip, its over." George grabs my hand and tows me out. When he lets go, my heart drops. What no stop. I'm too bisexual for this.

"Are you okay? We can go back to our dorm if you don't want to go get coffee."

"N-no no, it's fine.. just lost in thought I guess.." The whole way there I walk oddly close to him.

This is not a date. This is not a date. Not. A. Date. I roll the sleeves to my sweater up, it is getting hotter as we walk. No you're heating yourself up. The damn blush.

"Are you okay, Pip?" Eacker asks. He's the only one besides my father that calls me that.

"Y-yeah, no I'm fine." I answer him, it took me a minute. He looks down at me, raising his brow.

"Can I have my hand back then?" I look down and almost immediately drop his hand.

"I-I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay. I uhm... I actually don't mind." His words come out like silk. Oh my gosh... he's so perfect.. I don't deny my thoughts this time. I'm starting to let them grow on me.

"Two latte's, one with extra cream and sugar, and the other with extra sugar." He orders for the both of us. I offered to pay at least forty times to make up for the eleavator incident, but he wouldn't let me. He still won't let me. We get our coffee's and find a small table to sit at, we end up choosing a booth in the back of the room. My uncle Jack Laurens used to work here when he was in college. He said my pops used to visit him all of the time... I wonder..

"So how's your coffee?" He asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Pretty good, I like the whipped cream." I giggle quietly.

"I can see that, hold on.." Eacker leans across the table and wipes a bit of the cream off of my cheek. A massive amount of unwanted blush floods to my face.

"Th-thank you," I mumble, putting my hands on my cheeks to try and hide the mess on my freckled face.

"You're pretty cute, you know that?" He blurts out. I don't think he realized it was aloud and not in his head.

"Thank you~" I purr, purposely trying to make him blush. In my favour, it works.

On the way back to our dorm, we stopped to get Theo a huge bag of cotton candy. She had been complaining that she ran out yesterday so.. we decided to get some for her. When we gave Theodosia the bag, she squealed so loud, that I thought my ears would fall off.

Your lovely eyes put me in a trance,
The way you look into my soul when you both dance,
Could make me melt..
With all of these damn feelings I have delt.
All the emotions I have felt..
All I'm saying is that you both have my heart..
And you both own a part.

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