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So. Here's the thing. I like.. both of them? George Eacker, and Theodosia Burr Alston Junior. They are both so... perfect? Theo with her perky personality and her gorgeous brown skin, deep brown hair, and hazel eyes any guy would get lost in.. and George with his calmness and his amazing.. built.. body.. dark chocolate eyes that I literally always melt in, and his hugs- oh my gawd his hugs. I need to talk to someone.. so, I texted my sister and cousin; Angelica and Stephy. Yeah.. aunt Peggers named her kid Stephen, but I call him Stephy.

PiptheHam: Hey.. I need help.
ParrotMaid: What's wrong bubba?
ThePatroon: What's up, Piparoni?
PiptheHam: Okay so you two are the only one's that know I'm poly, and I need helppppp
ThePatroon: I WANNA KNOW
ParrotMaid: ^^^!!
ThePatroon: TELL THEM!!!
ParrotMaid: YEAH! DO IT!!

So I have to tell them? Yay... so much sarcasm.. how am I going to tell them? Ugh.. I don't know.. I guess.. I guess I could just ask them to talk.. then tell them? Hm... I guess that could work? Yeah..

"H-hey guys?" I call from the hallway.

"What's up, Philly?" I laugh, really Theo?

"I just need to talk to you and George... but it can wait till later.." Damn. I chickened out..

"Oh, okay!" She half hugs me.

"Just come get me and the sleeping snake when you wanna talk!" She smiles then prances off into her room. I text my sister and cousin that I hadn't done it yet.. they just yelled at me in all caps. Wow.. thanks guys. Is all I send back. I go into my room and flop onto the floor.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this.."

"Can't do what?" A deep voice asks from the door.

"N-nothing!" George. Of course.. who else?

"Okay.." He says, leaving my door. Great. Now he thinks I'm crazy. Just great.

     I'm going to do it. Yes. No. Wait. Yes.. no? Ugh... before I can decide against myself, I call them both to the living area.

"C-can we talk now?" I ask them, my nerves going nuts.


"Okay, sure." They both come into the room and sit on different couches. Theo, being the kind of person she is sits next to me, and George sits on the other side of the small coffee table.

"You.. you both can h-hate me after this, okay?" George furrows his eyebrows at my statement. Theodosia grabs my hand. It's been around two weeks since we've lived with each other... and to be honest, those two weeks were the best.

"What's wrong? Did we do something?" Theo asks, worry in her voice. I give her hand a light squeeze.

"N-no.. but, um.." I inhale a little. You can do this.. you can..

"I-I like.. you.. b-both.." The anxiety in my chest burns more than it did before I told them. I don't even look up to see their probably disgusted faces. Theo pulls me into a hug. What. A pair of huge arms wraps around my waist. What what.

"We like you too." Holy crap. A smile bursts across my face. Theodosia giggles as I hug them both back.


"Yeah.. I thought it was obvious when I took you to get coffee, or when T asked you to help with her lights." He laughed a little, keeping his arm around my waist but letting go of our embrace.

"Cause you know.. I am taller than you." He finishes. Theo kisses my cheek softly, scooting back to her spot on the couch. My face heats up a lot, like... I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato.

     "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Theodosia jumps into my arms as I swing her around in a circle.

"Of course." Eacker says, coming over to pull me into a hug. Well. I've got a beautiful girlfriend, and a really hot boyfriend now. I smile to myself, knowing that I don't have to worry about hiding my major crushes anymore. I can't believe that I actually did it.. wow..

     "Pops! Pops!" I squeal into the phone.

"What, what?"

"I asked them out!" Oh crap. He doesn't know.

"Both of them?"

"Oui..." I answer in French.

"What'd they say?"

"Yes, both of them." I sound so unsure.

"That's amazing, Pip. I'm proud." What the hell.

"Thanks, Pops!" I smile, although he can't see me. I'm out to my dad now. Great. Awesome. Wow.

     "Jack Kelly is so... hot.." Theodosia fans herself. George nods in agreement, I do too.

"What about Crutchie?" He asks, does he have a thing for Crutchie?

"He's okay, David though.." I answer.

"David's sister.." The homo is real in here; but none of us are phased by it.

"Now is the time to seize the day!" We all sing with each other. Theo has her head on my lap, whilst I sit on George. It's actually quite comfortable.. I think I'll claim this spot. Soon after my favourite musical ends, the sleeping beauties fall asleep, so.. I guess I will too? Eh.. I'll stay up and think a bit more.

     Classes start in two days, I'm not too ready. My best friend, Frances Eleanor Laurens, is in all of my classes. Uncle Jack Laurens' daughter; the most amazing person. I don't like her like I like Theo or George. She'll forever be my best friend.. although we did go out for.. a week? If that. We didn't really like going out as much as much as we liked- loved being best friends. We text a lot; like, everday. Uncle Laf has a lot of kids, I'm good friends with all of them... all of my 'Uncle's' children are like my extended family. Their so amazing, I can't believe how lucky I am..

    I find myself to wakeup on top of a shirtless George, and holding a sleepy Theodosia.

"Good morning, handsome." He purrs, those three words came out so naturally.

"Morning, love." I blush faintly, nuzzling deeper into his bare chest.

"It's five thirty, go back to sleep, okay?"

"Kay..." I close my eyes, falling back into a light slumber. Theo's hair falls in my face as she stirrs, but doesn't wake up. How did I get so lucky?

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