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       Sept. Seven. Sept.. Seven.. Sept. The number runs through my mind as if I breathed it. BAM BAM BAM! Something like gunshots fire of in my mind. Strike at seven! Strike at seven! Men yell. Women scream. Children wail. I can't open my eyes. The darkness stays in it's place.

"You will be gone at seven." Sept. Middle school. BAM BAM BAM. The men, the women, the teachers. Students. Screaming. School bells ringing. Announcers announcing. I remember screaming for my Pops. For my little sister. She was in the class next to wear the gunshots were coming from. One shot. Two shots. Three. Four. Five shots. Six. Seven shots. Sept. No, it's over Phillip! It's over! Reliving the traumatic incident is too much. Wake up! Wake up, dammit!

     I wake up screaming. I shove my head into George's shoulder.

"Sh.. it's okay, love.. it's okay.." He rubs my back softly and keeps whispering things to me. Slowly but surely, my breathing slows and I calm down. I know my hair is a tangled mess, and that bothers the crap out of me, but I can't worry about that right now. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"I-I.. sc-school shooting.. sorr-ry.." I hiccup. He hugs me tighter to his frame. A few moments later, I tell him everything about the shooting. He comforts me through the whole thing.. I don't know how he still puts up with me. Honestly.

     "Hey, Theo!" My beautiful girlfriend comes through the door and hugs me, then gives a small side hug to Eacker. I peck her on the cheek, which causes her to blush. She's so cute.. I smile at her, today would get better.. hopefully.

"Oh yeah- guys! I have news!" She blurts out.

     "You have to go."

"No." I say, clinging onto my bed post.

"Phillip!" They both say in unison.

"Nope!" I try to get out of George's grip, but it's impossible. He picks me up bridal style. Nooo...

"Let's go." I don't want to go to a stupid party. Especially when it's at Jefferson's house. I'm going to die.

     Mr.Burr came to pick us up. He doesn't really like me dating his daughter, like, at all, but he said he'd be okay. It is a long car ride to their house.. my cousin Steph texts me the whole time. Appearently he's going to be there too, along with my three other best friends, Frances, Marie, and William.

HorseHybrid: Phillip. Phillip. Hey.
PiptheHam: Yes?
HorseHybrid: i asked Marie out. She said yes.

     Well.. now Frances needs someone.. hm. I know she's as gay as her father.. so.. sigh. I will do what I can. George and I hold hands under his jacket so Mr.Burr can't see. Theodosia sits up front with him. Oh- Steph and Frances? Lets do this.

"Babe." I mumble, trying to get Eaker's attention.


"Help me get Frances to go out with Stephen. Please." I give him the puppy dog eyes, which he can't resist. I've learned..

"Alright." Yes! I hug him tightly, hoping Mr.Burr doesn't see us.

     Party time, lets do this! Not really. I don't actually want to be here. I want to be at my dorm, binge watching my Anime and stuff. I sigh, taking Theodosia's hand, then when Mr.Burr is out of sight, I take George's hand as well. We walk into the party together, most people are already- drunk?! Oh no.

"This'll be.. fun.." I mutter, stepping out from behind George. He laughs and looks down at me.

"Has the ravenclaw never been drunk before?" He asks me..

"No, I don't like alcohol," I mumble, walking closer to George and putting my arm around Theodosia. She leans into me, walking close as well. There are so many drunk teenagers here.. "Hey! She's my girlfriend, go get your own!" I yell at a guy after he tried to touch Theo. Mr.Burr would not be happy, neither would my pops. Eacker hasn't said anything about his family to me though.. I wonder if everythings' okay.. I'll have to ask about that later, right now is clearly not the time. I mean, it's not my fault my girlfriend is literally the most beautiful girl in the whole room.

"Phillip! Phillip, help!" Frances runs behind me with her arms going around my torso. "Jefferson's kids are evil!"

"What the heck? Are you okay?" Is all I manage to say out of my confusion.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but Lucy was chasing me down.." Luckily, Stephen comes over. He looks at Frances with an expression that I can't tell whether it's one of pity, or hopless romance.

"Frances, come with me, LJ can't get you then." Steph takes her hand and walks over to the snack table. Well I guess that worked out on it's own.

     "Dad'll be here in a few to pick us up." Theo says, tying her hair up again. I nod, so does George. He was oddly quiet the whole time.. I mean, usually he's very talkative and such, but he wasn't really.. 'into it,' I guess you could say. Before Mr.Burr pulls up, I kiss him on the cheek. He seems to lighten up a bit.

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to him? I hope that's not the case.. I really like him.. I love him a lot.. When we're in the small car, I make sure Mr.Burr can't see us in the back seat, then I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." I whisper, so only he can hear me.

"..I love you too." The response was quiet. I nod against his shoulder then close my eyes. When I open them, we're at our dorm building.

     "Good night, daddy! Thank you for the ride!" Theodosia hugs her dad then runs over to me. We all exchange our goodbyes before Mr.Burr leaves. I'm so tired.. I end up yawning for the fourth time.

"Lets get you to bed, yeah?" George picks me up and starts towards the building. I know he's going to take the eleavator.. But as long as I'm with him, I'll be okay. "Close your eyes and count to ten." He tells me. So I hesitantly do, stepping into the contraption.









     The elevator stops at our floor. The ride was quickly over.

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