Hamilton With Pride

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"Hi.. is this Phillip Hamilton's dorm?" Hm. Oh wait it's Frances.

"Frances!" I yell as I slide into the door frame. Theo jumps out of the way, or as a result she would've gotten hit.

"Sorry, Theo!" I peck her cheek then turn to my best friend. She pulls me into a hug, in which I return. From the corner of my eye, I see Theo looking a tad bit jealous.. that hurt a little, to see her like that I mean.

"It's been forever since we talked last!" Frances pulls away from the embrace. I nod in total agreement. Classes start today, and she's here to pick me up. George walks behind me and puts his arms around my waist, causing me to blush a crazy shade of red.

"I'll be off to medics, bye love. Bye Theo!" He gives Theo a half hug then slips through the door and starts towards first class of the day.

"We should go too." Frances insists, smiling to me.

"Okay, bye Theo!" I hug her before jogging to catch up to my best friend.

     "Ah! We have a Hamilton, in this room!" Mr.Lee taunts. Un.. deux.. trois.. don't say anything.

"Oui monsieur, there is." Thank God, Marie...

"And a Lafayette? A Laurens as well! Oh this will be amazing." This dip wad went to Kings College with our parents. So, he knows us.

"Phillip, just bite your tongue." Frances tells me. I'm just like my father, but bolder.. if he thinks I will put up with his bull this year, he's more than wrong.

"Where's Mulligan? Huh? There has to be a Mulligan!"

"Why? So you can recreate your idea of bullying our fathers on us?" I shoot. If looks could kill, HA! He'd be dead twice.

"Mr.Hamilton, sit down! I don't want to treat you like I did your father!" That's it.

"I'm sorry, I'm a Hamilton with pride!
You talk about my father, I will not let it slide." I spit the words. Frances and Marie pull me back down towards my chair.

"Hamilton, will I have to see you after class?"

"Keep talking to me like that, and maybe you will." I'm so done with him.

     "Class dismissed!" I managed to survive a whole day without going back and fighting Charles.

"I'm glad to be out of classes.." My friend mumbles.

"Me too, that first one was ridiculous! But- where was Will?" William, William Mulligan.

"I don't know. He never misses Sociology." I reply. We all decided to take one class that we would do together; we never expected Charles Lee to teach it. I walk Frances and Marie back to their dorms, then head back for my own.

     "Pops- you won't believe this." I say as soon as he picks up his phone.


"Charles Lee teaches Sociology."

"What the hell? Did he say anything?" Ooh, he'll love this. I tell him the whole thing whilst I pace my room. Theodosia and George wouldn't be back until later.. I've got time to rant.

"No way. I'll gladly kick his- um.. you know."

"It's fine, I can handle him.. but uh.. do you know where Will is?" I ask, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh.. I'm sorry, Pip.. Will hasn't even been to the college yet, his mom isn't in very good shape.. He just needs to be there until.. uh.." Pops trails off.. oh..

"Oh.. Thank you for telling me... I love you Pops.." I say, hanging up. Wow.. William's mom..



"Are you okay?" George comes over to my bed and sits down next to me.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine.." He pulls me onto his lap.

"You know you can tell me, right?" I nod.

"I-It's just that.. my um.. best friends mother isn't in the best shape..." I bury my face into his shoulder. Eacker rubs my back softly.

"I know how that feels.." He kept me in his arms for an hour, we just talked.. and talked. His mother passed when he was young, I guess that's why he knew situation so well. I loved being in his muscular arms, they really helped 'calm' my nerves down. I get anxious easily, so.. when I heard Mrs.Mulligan wasn't well, I wanted to keel over.

     Theodosia and I had Creative Writing with each other; it wasn't too bad, yet it wasn't too good either. I mean, the teacher is not creative at all, actually. I don't know how she manages. She talks as if her whole life his monotoned.. ugh. Anyways! While George is in a club meeting, Theo and I are working on our homework together. It's not hard.. for me. On the other hand, she's having a tough time. We have to write a list of descriptive words all starting with the first letter of our name. You would think I'd be the one having problems, but I'm actually done.

"Troublesome, terrible, terrifying, totaled, transforming.." I list. She looks up at my face, as her head is resting on my lap.

"Thank you, Philly."

"You're welcome, babe." She starts to blush a deep red, which I think is quite adorable.

"You're amazing, you know that?" She smiles up at me.

"Well now I do." She knows about my low self-esteem, but when I'm around my two brilliant partners, it goes away. I love them both. I really do.

     "Open your mouth."

"Wait. Why?" What the heck.

"Oh my gosh, you're gross. I have Skittles." George pulls the bag of Skittles from his back pack. Oh. Maybe I am gross.. nope. Stop.

"So?" I wrap my arms around his torso, tucking my head into his chest.

"You need to stop staying up so late, love." He plays with my hair as he talks.

"But.. if I don't stay up, then I can't spend more time with you and Theo." I mumble into his shirt. He stays up extra late, yet here he is, telling me I can't stay up too.

"Then sleep in my room. I don't mind having a cuddle buddy." He kisses my cheek softly before he pulls me into a bear hug.

"So I heard you got into a fight with Mr.Lee."

"Hush." George bursts out laughing whilst I'm left to be flustered. Howmany people know about that? I hope not many...

     "Come here." Eacker opens his arms up for me to go in. I gladly go over and crawl into his muscular arms, curling up into his chest.

"Why. Are. You. So. Cute." He paused inbetween words to kiss around my face. My face turns a bright, bright red. I don't think that's healthy. Mom was right... this boy has me helpless.
He places the last kiss on my lips. Neither of us expected it, but both of us enjoyed it. Wow... so this is what love feels like. I like it a lot.

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