2 More Days (Continued)

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-Lance's pov-

Everyone stood in the training deck, everyone but Keith. Shiro had waited a couple of extra minutes to see if he would show up but no hope. Shiro sighed adjusting the helmet between his body and arm. Hunk sat up from his spot on the floor "it's weird, Keith is never the type to miss training." Hunk said.

I was the only one who actually knew why the red paladin was and knew I couldn't tell anyone why, well at least until he was comfortable. The way Keith looked still bothers me, not in a bad way. It's kinda of a cute scary type of thing.
I wish he would of told me. I could of helped. I'm a trusting person, or maybe I only think that. I'm probably just new son his life. It doesn't matter though, it was just a stupid kiss. It doesn't give me access to his life and his feelings.

"Hey Lance, you feeling ok?" Pidge had asked standing beside me. I probably was spaced out "Yea, I'm fine" i tell them.

I'm telling the truth, I'm doing good. Other than Keith anddd looks who's here

Keith walked in full armor other than his helmet that sat between his hand and body resting on the hip. He looked normal!? All of the purple and the fuzz was gone, and the golden yellow eyes...

"Glad you could join us." Shiro commented as he pulled his helmet on.

"Wouldn't be happy to miss it." Keith said now standing in front of us.

"Well lets go ahead and get started." Coran said in a energetic tone through the the speakers of the training deck.

----one minute later----

"FUCK!" I cursed out as Keith kicked me hard on the side and I lost my  footing falling stright on my back.

"Watch your mouth Lance!" Shiro called out form the side of the training room.

"Yea, watch your fucking mouth ya dick! There is a child present." Pidge called after Shiro.

"Go Lance!" Hunk yelled as I got back up from where he fell and got back in position.

We where having a hands on training session instead of using weapons, Coran thought it would be better practice just in case they lost their weapons during battle or something.

We both stood walking in a circle waiting for the other to make a move. I needed to get him back for that kick, even though my side still stung for the it.

I dived into a quick punch hitting Keith in the jaw. Keith grabbed my wrist and pulled my down body down putting his foot atop of me . I struggled on the ground for a few seconds before I broke free. Still on the ground I jammed my elbow into his stomach and slid my legs under his making him fall right beside me. The alarms blared throughout the castle and me and Keith quickly got up from out spots.

-pidges pov-

We all jog down the halls twords the main control room. The doors slide open and when enter Allura has some map on the screen.

"What's wrong princess?" Shiro asked her.
"The balmarans has a problem with an intruder taking from the planet ." She replied.
"send us the cordnets and we'll be on our way."Shiro replied. And we all turned around to head down to our lions.

-Minutes later-

We arrive to the planet once again, and I bet hunks happy we get to see shay and her family again. We haven't been here in a while.

We land our lions on the outskirts of one of the many rock formations shooting out of the planet. And a group of balmarens come up to us as we come out of our lions.

"Shay?"hunk ask the female who was standing by her brother.
"Hey hunk, I'm glad I can see you again but there was an pod that landed not some time ago. Talking form the planet, though it wasn't big amounts it can do harm if they don't give back."

"Can you point us in what direction they're at?"shiro asked her.

Shay pointed affar where there was 3 soft figures in the distance were and a ship of black and orange colors"that way."

"Thanks shay." Hunk smiled and we walked back to our lions and flew over there instead because it was quite a distance.

We arrived at the area. Behind a bolder the medium sized ship sat there and 3 people loading up crystals inside, until they noticed the us lions coming towards them and they stoped in motion.

I land green once again and get out to see why this was happening once again to the balmarns.

They stood there as we were walking towards them. Two of them were quite tall the other about lances height. "Hello, were wondering why your taking from the planter without giving back?" Shiro asked them form a distance as we were still walking.

Their was no response until the smallest one took a few steps forward, took off their helmet and dropped it onto the ground.

I gasped at the person in front of me, the person I've been searching for a year for. 'It cant be' my eyes start to water as I take small steps closer and closer to him.
"Pidge..." he asks.
I saw tears start filling in his eyes also.
I walk faster then break into a jog then full on running
Different emotions flooding my mind at once while tears flood down my cheeks. 'He's here he's back'
He spreads open his arms open...
I jump into them...
And we just hug and just happy/ugly cry for a moment.
No words, just sobs.

We enventuly stop crying, and wipe our red eyes. I realize we still got a problem to handle and would finish that before I ask him a qintillion amount of questions.

I'm still fidgety form the excitement "so... um.. what,what... uh... oh my gosh...what's.. what's...happening..now,here."
I take a deep breath
"Do you want to come to the ship." I asked my brother

"Um." He turned and looked at the 2 people behind him and they gave a slight nod. "We will come along also" one respond in a deep slow tone. "Sure thing." Matt said and turned back and scrubbed my hair. We turn to walk back to the ship, shiro and him laughing together until he noticed...

"Are those MY glasses?" Matt asked me
"Um well, you see what happened was..."

Does anyone else watch stranger things?
Cuz the 2 season is coming out in October and so is more voltron episodes. And I'm just going to be hyped up all oct. 🕷

Also if you haven't seen "In A Heart Beat" yet, wut are u doing its so AHHHH! (cute)

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