Chapter Nine

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(A/N: Not edited at all. Like I said before, I probably won't update this often but I was procrastinating with homework so I thought I'd write. Short chapter and I'd really appreciate it if you guys would give me feed back on how I'm doing. Thanks :) )

“Jordan?” I asked in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

My brother glanced between us and I immediately disentangled myself from Harry, who frowned at my actions but said nothing. “I’m visiting from college. I’m not exactly sure what I just opened the door to though,” Jordan replied, his eyes narrowing at Harry suspiciously.

I laughed nervously, trying to diffuse the rising tension. “Jordan this is my friend, Harry. Harry this is my brother, Jordan,” I introduced them to each other.

“Nice to meet you,” Harry acted out of character and politely stretched his hand out for Jordan to shake.

He hesitated a moment before shaking Harry’s hand back and nodding.

“I guess I’ll be going now,” Harry said, smiling down at me, before he went back down the steps and to his motorcycle. He revved the engine and then was off, cruising down the road and into the darkening night.

“So, he’s a friend of yours?” My brother asked, emphasizing the word a “friend” as I walked into the house and closed the door behind me.

I blushed but nodded, trying to avoid his questions. Just like me, Jordan loved to ask questions.

“Kissing each other isn’t exactly what friends do to each other, Selene,” he commented, grinning as he said it.

I rolled my eyes. “We weren’t kissing.”

“Yet,” he added. After a few moments of silence as I took my sandals off, Jordan said, “C’mon Selene, talk to me. I haven’t been home since the summer. Give me a hug.” He opened up his arms and waited.

Reluctantly I smiled at him and walked into his arms and wrapped mine around him. “I missed you,” I mumbled into his shirt.

“You, too,” he said, hugging me tight. We stayed like that for a little bit before he pulled away. “Okay, now spill. Who’s Harry and why was he trying to kiss you on our doorstep? Were you with him all day?”

I laughed, stepping back and running a hand through my hair. “Harry is a friend from school. He likes me, which is why he was going to kiss me. And yes, I was and I had a great time,” I answered his questions.

“Should I be worried? Because if you don’t want him to kiss you—” Jordan started to say.

I shook my head. “No, no he’s fine. Though I don’t really know if I want him to kiss me,” I told him honestly.

“Well, it wasn’t like you were totally repulsed from his attempt from what I could see,” he noted, looking thoughtful.

“I’m going to bed,” was all I said before turning towards the stairs and running up them.

“Fine, but be prepared for questions tomorrow!” He yelled up the stairs.

I laughed as I closed my bedroom door behind me, flopping down onto my bed. I was suddenly exhausted and all I wanted to do was sleep. But I wasn’t going to sleep in my clothes, so I dragged myself up and went to my closet to grab some pajamas. I took out a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants before crawling back into bed. Within minutes of turning my light off, I was asleep.


(This is a dream Selene is having, just so it’s clear.)

Clicking away on my computer, I heard the door to my bedroom creak open. Turning around I saw Harry standing there in nothing but sweatpants, his chest exposed and covered in ink. I was memorized by the site of him and reached out with my hand to touch him and suddenly he was standing in front of me, my hand brushing against his abs and tattoos.

“Acosta,” he said and pulled me out of the chair. His skin was on fire and everywhere he touched me burned. I tried taking a step back, my desk no longer behind me, when Harry yanked me forward, crushing his lips to mine. Surprised, I tried pushing him away, but he only held on tighter, whispering, “No,” against my lips. The surprise soon melted away into want and I found myself kissing him back with a growing ferocity. His tongue glided across my bottom lip, requesting entrance and when I didn’t immediately comply, he bit down on it and tugged, eliciting a gasp from me. As soon as my lips parted, he set my mouth and tongue on fire as he explored my mouth. I came alive in his arms, my hands reaching up to pull him closer by his shoulders. One of his hands was tangled in my hair, his grip holding me in place while his other hand brought our hips together by pushing on my lower back. Suddenly I felt my back hit a wall and he pushed me into it until our bodies were completely touching. I was in a complete blaze of fire, yet shivers ran up and down my body constantly.

Then, out of nowhere, I realized this wasn’t real and I broke away from Harry’s lips.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, his lips red and his eyes full of lust.

I couldn’t speak; how was I supposed to tell him this wasn’t real, when it felt so much so? But I didn’t have time to decide whether to tell him or not because everything around us was starting to fade and—

I jolted awake, gasping and clutching my chest. Sitting up, I turned my light on and tried to breathe slower. When I looked at my clock it read: 1:43 AM. Sighing, I fell back against my mattress, wondering about what I had just dreamed. Why had I dreamed about kissing Harry? Well it was more than just a kiss, but what did that mean? Did I want to kiss him? If he kissed like that in real life, then the desire to was definitely there. But that hadn’t been real life, and in real life was I ready to? We’d only just hung out, and though he did have an outburst at the restaurant, it went well. Two weeks, I thought, two weeks I’ll give myself before I decide to date him or not. With that somewhat resolved, I turned the light back off and tried to go back to sleep, but Harry still lingered in my thoughts.

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