Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: Not edited. I really appreciate everyone who is still reading and enjoying this story! :) Though, I've been having huge writer's block with this story, so if anyone has suggestions of where this story should go ~ like after they start dating and what not ~ let me know! Anyways, enjoy! :D )

"You just have to have things your way, don't you?" Harry teased me after snatching the remote from between us on the couch. To be fair, I had been lying down with my feet being closer to it than my hands. However, I did make an awkward attempt at getting it from him with my feet, which he just snorted at and gently, but firmly pushed back down to the couch. I'd huffed half-heartedly in defeat as he'd smirked at me and proceeded to go back to the Netflix menu and search for a movie.

"I thought you said you liked It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia! And for the record, yes I do, I don't mind putting up a fight for what I want," I told him, sticking my tongue out at him before plopping my head back down onto my pillow.

"I do, but after eight episodes in a row I think a break is overdue," he stuck his tongue out back at me. "And for the record, you don't always have to fight for the things you want. For example, asking is always a welcome alternative to test out," he grinned to show he was at least half-kidding with his suggestion.

Rolling my eyes, I repositioned myself and asked sarcastically, "Fine, may I please pick the movie?"

He looked slightly surprised that I actually listened to him. Nodding slowly he asked, "what genre would you like?"

I thought for a moment before giving him the options, "Something fantasy or science fiction."

"Why those two?" He asked curiously while clicking through the options on the TV.

When I didn't respond, he looked over to see I was fiddling with my blanket, purposefully avoiding his question.

"Acosta?" He prodded.

"This is going to sound so corny..." I mumbled. "Those are my two favorites because anything is possible in them. Nothing is off limits for your imagination and the creators can be as creative as they want."

I glanced up to see if he was ready to laugh at me, but to my surprise he was smiling and looking at me in a way that only happened in my guilty-pleasure romance movies. Unfortunately, that's when my throat decided it was time to cough a lung out. I awkwardly doubled over as I wheezed and hacked into a tissue, his hand starting to rub soothing circles along my back.

Why did I let him come in again? So he could see me half-dying of the flu? Why did he have to demand to come in? Any normal boy would've stayed at school regardless if he'd known I was sick. Well, maybe not Ben... I shoved the thought of him away, instead trying to pay more attention to breathing properly.

After the coughing subsided, I whispered out a raspy, "Thank you."

"No problem," he said, "can I show you a movie? I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's called Spirited Away. I think you'd really like it."

"Nope, I haven't. But we can watch it. What's it about?" I asked, more than a little curious.

Harry gave me a brief overview while he searched for the movie itself. The part about Chihiro's parents turning into pigs sounded a bit odd. He explained that the world they walk into is run by spirits, which made it almost make more sense. He warned me that most of Hayao Miyazaki's films can be very strange, but just to give the movie a chance.

I made a mental note that I'd have to watch the movie again when he wasn't here, because though I was trying very hard to pay attention to the movie, I was completely wrapped up in the way that he was reacting to the movie. He paused it at one point-because he didn't want me to miss any of the movie-to tell me he'd watched this several times since he was little. He even said that watching it now was like visiting old friends he hadn't seen in a long time but missed greatly. At first I thought I was imagining it, but when Chihiro was crying in the garden with Haku after the reality of her situation finally hit her, I looked over to see Harry was crying too. It was just a single, silent tear, but it was there, slowly rolling down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away once he noticed, quickly glancing at me to see if I had.

When he realized I'd seen, he gave me a defensive look, saying, "Guys can cry." The way he said it though; I wasn't sure if he was telling or asking me.

I smiled, reaching over for his hand and nodding. "I know," I told him, giving his hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

After looking down at our hands for a moment, he grinned and intertwined them before returning his attention back to the movie.

Once we were holding hands, I had even more trouble focusing on Spirited Away. At the beginning, it was from my excitement and wishing I wasn't sick so I could cuddle closer to Harry. But then, I could feel my hand beginning to sweat.

Shit, what do I do? If I take my hand out of his, he'll think I don't want to hold his hand. But what if he's grossed out because it's sweaty? And what if.... Anxiety took the place of my excitement as I tried to think of a way to tactfully avoid embarrassment. Luckily, that's when my brother walked into the living room.

A week had passed since Shelly and I had our fight, and a few days later I had finally confronted Jordan. He had tried to deny all of it at first, but once I told him Shelly had confessed to me, he just got angry. I warned him to stay away from her, but since I had stopped talking to Shelly, I had no way of knowing if he would.

"What do we have here?" Jordan asked tauntingly, quirking an eyebrow up as his eyes went to our hands intertwined.

"This is my friend, Harry," I told him, trying my best to keep my tone even. "We were watching a movie."

"Does Mom know a boy is here?" His eyes glinted with satisfaction; he already knew the answer and he relishing the fact that he had the upper hand.

Before I could retort some bratty response, Harry stood up and walked over to my brother. At first I was worried he was going to hit him or something. But, when he extended his hand to shake, shame flooded through me for assuming the worst of him.

"It's nice to meet you," he said after Jordan reluctantly took his hand to shake. "You're Selene's brother?"

"Yeah," he answered gruffly, taking his hand back and shoving both into his pockets.

"Do you want join us?" Harry offered kindly. I shot him a confused look; did he forget about how upset I'd been with Jordan last week? His back was facing me though, so he didn't see it.

Jordan frowned as well, but shook his head. "Nah, it's cool, I got uh... stuff to do. Thanks though, see you around." And with that, he left the room as suddenly as he had entered it.

"What was that about?" I questioned Harry as he sat back down beside me.

"Kill them with kindness," he smirked at me, turning back towards the TV to continue watching the movie.

(A/N: If you haven't seen Spirited Away you really should because it's an amazing and beautiful movie! I left the trailer for it at the top if you're interested :P . Don't forget to message me if you have any ideas! Thanks you guys! :) )

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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