Chapter Twelve

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(A/N: Not Edited. I know its been way too long since I've updated and this chapter is way too short to make up for that. But I've had terrible writer's block, which isn't a good excuse but I honestly didn't know what should happen in this chapter, so its more of really super short filler, but Harry is in it so that makes up for it, yes? Maybe? Anyways I'm going to have goals for you guys to reach now so I don't feel so bad about taking so long to write. They'll be at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!)

“Something wrong?” Harry asked me as I started walking past him and to his motorcycle.

“Nope,” I popped the “p” and said sarcastically, “Everything is fucking terrific. No clouds in my sky today.”

“What?” He asked, his brow furrowing in confusion at my comment.

“Never mind. Can we just go?” I asked him, waiting for him to get on his bike.

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“It’s a long story,” I sighed, “but long story short, my brother hasn’t come home, yet. And he left yesterday morning.”

“Does he normally do this?” Harry asked me.

I shrugged. “He used to, but this is the first week he’s had to be home. I’m pretty sure where he is though,” I grumbled.

“Where’s that? We can go check on him if you’d like,” he offered.

“You’d do that?” I asked, surprised.

“Why not? I know school is important to you, but I’m pretty sure your brother is more important, yes?” Harry swung his leg over his bike and sat down, ready to go.

I was speechless for a few moments. Harry was totally willing to go with me to see if Jordan was okay and it wasn’t just because he wanted to miss some school, it was because he knew it was important to me. I bit my lip, conflicted. I wanted to confront Jordan if he was at Shelly’s house again, still manipulating her. But I didn’t want Harry to be dragged into my drama, or see how dysfunctional my family really was.

“Screw him, if he wants to get drunk and not come home, then that’s his decision. I’m done worrying about him,” I said, still furious though. “Let’s just go to school.”

“You sure?” He checked, starting up his motorcycle.

“Positive,” I told him, wrapping my arms around his body, a warm feeling bubbling in my stomach as I did so.

“Alright,” Harry said warily and then we were moving. It only took about fifteen minutes to get to the school, too short of a time for me to enjoy the feeling of Harry’s abs beneath my fingertips. However, it was enough time for me to collect myself so I wasn’t as ready to rip off someone’s head by the time he parked his bike in the parking lot.

“Can you do school today?” He asked me before getting off the bike.

I bit my lip, looking at the high school that now had a foreboding feel to it. Then I turned to Harry and asked, “Could you stay with me this morning?”

He looked surprised, but just nodded. On the walk to the school from the parking lot he said, “I’d stay with you all day, Acosta.”

Blushing all the way to my locker, I had to fight the urge to take Harry’s hand, mentally arguing with myself over the idea. As we walked through the halls together, I got a few confused looks from people I normally talked to in class, but I was too busy trying not to think about Shelly or my brother to pay much attention. When we did get to my locker, I quickly grabbed the things I needed and put them in my bag, trying to hurry.

“Slow down,” Harry chuckled next to me. He was leaning against the locker next to mine, appearing casual and relaxed, but his eyes were worried.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, “I just don’t want to take up your time.”

Suddenly his hand was on my shoulder, turning me so I was looking at him. My cheeks got even hotter as I remembered the dream I had of him. His touch felt more real than the dream of course, but the burning sensation was still there, strangely.

“You’re not,” his voice brought me back to reality, his piercing green eyes boring into mine. They quickly flicked down to my lips before meeting mine again. “God, I’d love to kiss you right now,” he muttered, his voice deep with some emotion.

I gulped, my eyes moving to his cherry-red lips, wanting the same thing. “Why don’t you?” I asked without thinking. My eyes went back to his to see the pupil had become larger, the green color of his iris almost completely gone.

He smirked before leaning closer to whisper, “Oh, don’t worry, Acosta, one day I will. Someday soon, I promise you.”

(A/N: Goal: 10 Votes 5 Comments)

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