Leaving Again (Chapter 9)

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Just a quick heads up

If you still didn't  read the first story, This New World We Live In, i strongly suggest you go do that. But also, if you  don't recognize  a certain part in this story, I assure you I mentioned it Chapter 25 of This New World We Live In. (The flashback)

Yes Katie and Daryl knew each other before the outbreak. They didn't remember because it was 20 years ago now and they weren't friends or lovers, they just passed by each other in the hallway and he asked her to dance once. (Remember that... From chapter 25??)






"There ain't nothin out here but Mosquitos and ants." Daryl said, raising his crossbow. 

"Patience, little brother." Merle scolded, putting up his index finger. "Sooner or later, a squirrel is bound to scurry across your path."

Daryl scoffed. "Even so, that ain't much food."

Merle shrugged. "Better than nothin'"

Daryl sighed. He began to pace slowly, trying to do anything but think about the life he just left behind. 

He wasn't succeeding. 

It had been no more than a day, and he missed her already. He missed looking at her. He missed having the fight. He was dull, now. He had no drive. She gave him the spark that he needed. She was a spark of hope, and what was good. 

And now his spark had just sizzled out. 

He was regretting every second he didn't flip off Merle and run back to the prison. He knew he wanted to go back, but he needed to talk to his brother. No restrictions, in the wild, alone. He needed to know what really went on, without Katie's piercing emeralds staring daggers into Merle's soul. 

He sighed. He was doing it again. 

He couldn't just forget about her. It would be so much easier. But he was going to return. As soon as Merle calmed down. 

He knew he might not have made the best decision in making Katie think he was leaving for good, but why get her hopes up? Anything could happen on the run. 

No one is immortal. 

He looked over at Merle, who raised his eyebrows and expected Daryl to say something.  

He sighed. "You know, we'd have better luck going through one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff."

Merle snickered. "Is that what your new friends taught you? Hmm? How to loot for booty?"

Daryl scoffed. 

Merle laughed at his brother's pitiful comeback. "Nah sorry, 'cuse me. You've already got you some of that."

Daryl shook his head. "Eh, shut up man!" He took a deep breath. "We've been at it for hours now." He said, trying to stay calm. "Why don't we just find a stream and try to look for some fish?"

Merle took a step towards him. "Yeah, well I think you're just tryna' lead me back to the road man... Get me over to that prison."

Daryl leaned casually against the tree beside him. "They got shelter. Food. A pot to piss in... Might not be a bad idea."

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