With Victory Comes Defeat (Chapter 6)

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So I'm sorry. I'm not going to bore you with my excuses but I have good ones.

This is a little late, but


That mid-season finale thoo :"(

(Judith's not dead I guarantee you)


And ya collision of fandoms right here, I saw Catching Fire on Saturday (my favorite book of the three, I've read them all at least 6 times) it was amazing. Pure genius. Watch it.

I'm sorry for this A/N.... I know none of you care about my real life :")

K sorry

Heeeeres the next chapter :)



She hugged him closely, and kept the delicate baby close to her chest, crying her heart out into Daryl's shoulder.

'You killed her.'

There was a voice in her head, that antagonized her to her breaking point.

'It is your fault.'

She tried to stop crying, pursing her lips, this demoralizing and mournful state she was in making her feel venerable and petrified.

'You could have saved her.'

It broke her.

Katie shook her head and ripped herself away from Daryl, now feeling vengeful.

She stormed over to Beth and handed her the baby. Her mind was racing.

What could she do?

She started to walk back over to Daryl, but then stopped herself to go back to Beth, but her brain subconsciously still made her strides flow in Daryl's direction.

In order to stop herself, she sunk.

She slipped to the ground like water through a funnel, and she planted herself there.

'What are you doing? The baby needs to eat! Get up!'

'Stay down. You'll just get them all killed anyways.'

'You're using up all the oxygen.'

'Go make yourself useful!'

She was mentally breaking down, and thinking she was on the brink of schizophrenia wasn't good either. Whatever you wanted to call it, she felt it.

It was like her mind was split in two. One half wanted to hug Daryl and cry and just wish for it to be all over. The other wanted to stand up, hit the road and grab some formula before the baby starves to death. She knew which one was right, but she also knew she wasn't strong enough to make the right choice.

Daryl watched her from a few feet away, eyebrows knit with the unsettling feeling that something was wrong with her. He knew that this had damaged her, but he also knew that she needed her time.

Against what he felt inside, he stood his ground and watched as her crushed soul tried to repair itself. He knew she blamed herself. He knew she felt defeated, hopeless, but he just stood there, waiting for her to get back up.

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