Chapter 10

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Natalia's P.O.V

I woke up in a cream colored room that looked nothing like my bedroom. There was a slight beeping sound and IV's were in my arm. I wore a very old fashioned hospital gown that stopped past my knees, even with sitting down. My hair felt like it was a mess and I couldn't help but think, how long was I out for.

I felt something move in my hand and I saw my hand intertwined with someone else's. The very familiar face of Ivan was seen and I smiled knowing he had stayed with me. 

He began to shift and his eyes fluttered open. There wasn't any daylight to be seen outside, only miles and miles of a black sky and stars. I felt a pair of eyes on me, and I turned toward Ivan who was staring at me starstruck. I tried getting up, but my body was extremely sore and my mind was clouded in questions.

A smile appeared on Ivan's face and tears threatened to spill out of his eyes. "I thought you were gone, don't ever leave like that again." He whispered in my ear as he lightly hugged me. I was a bit confused as to why he was being like this, but I just let him have his hug. Apparently, I almost died.

"How long was I out for?" I asked Ivan as he pulled away from the hug. Ivan took his phone out and checked the date. "A month and a half, today." He answered me and my eyes widened. I've been out for so long... "And you stayed with me the whole time?" I asked Ivan. He hesitated, then nodded sheepishly. I smiled a slight smile, my jaw was sore, and I didn't do anything.

I heard a noise come from the floor and I looked over my hospital bed to see Jake lying on the floor, sleeping. Jake stirred slightly and turned over on his back, eyes fully open. We made brief I contact, before he smiled really big.

"Natalia!" Jake screamed and stood up, hugging the living crap out of me. I felt water seep into my gown and realized Jake was crying. The accident must've been worse than I remember. Jake pulled back from our hug and stood back, next to Ivan.

Then... a wave of memories hit me. I was surfing, I wasn't listening to Ivan as he warned me about the storm, no lifeguard, water, no air, saving, blackouts... dream.

As I was thinking, Jake making phone calls, Ivan tweeting out about my awaken, the door opened. In walked a middle aged man who looked like he would rape all of us in here.

"My name is Dr. Stenson, and I have to run a few tests which shouldn't take very long." Dr. Stenson and walked over to a computer and took the IV's out of my arm. "How are you feeling?" Dr. Stenson asked me while writing down a couple things onto a clipboard.

"A bit dizzy, very sore, and I have a massive headache." I answered truthfully and he nodded while writing down my answer. This went on for a couple of questions, and at the end he gave me a bottle of Advil and another bottle of prescription pills. 

"Take two of the Advil everyday, and one of the tablets every six hours for a month." He told me and I nodded, taking one of the tablets and two Advil right there. I swallowed it down with Dr. Pepper in Ivan's Chick-Fil-A cup.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dr. Stenson asked, that got Ivan and Jake's attention as they tuned in to listen to what I was about to say next. I didn't say anything, I simply nodded my head. 

"Well you had some effects. You're lucky that you're alive right now, there was 98% water trapped in your lungs. Any other person wouldn't have made it out alive, it is very rare to see this. You were in a coma for a month and a half from the impact of the water hitting your head when you got slammed in. You are aloud to get out today, but I have to make sure you can. That's about all." He told me while getting up and doing something on his computer. I sat patiently and waited for his approval or denial about me leaving today.

"It seems as if you can leave today, you are free to go." He told me and walked out of the room with his computer.

"There are clothes in the bathroom that we brought for you because we knew eventually you would need them." Jake said and pointed toward the bathroom of the hospital room. "I also drove your car here because we didn't want to leave it at the beach." Ivan added on and I prayed to God that my car was still in good condition.

I took off the icky hospital gown and placed on the black crop top, ripped skinny jeans, and all black huaraches. My hair was something that I couldn't fix so I just raked my fingers through it.

My whole body felt sore, like I couldn't move a muscle, but I had too. I walked out of the bathroom and Ivan let me lean on him for support. "Thanks." I said and he nodded and smiled.

"Ready?" Jake asked and I nodded. From then, we ventured out of the home full of sick people.


Two updates? Go me!

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