Chapter 12

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So... I've decided to continue with the book. Thank you for all of the kind words, and I don't think I've thanked you enough for helping me do what I love; writing. Thank you for 9.8k views, I love you all.

I walked around downstairs gathering everything I needed for this challenge. I've never really believed in spirits, ghosts, religions, any of that sort of thing. The worst that could happen is they prank me by scaring me. I highly doubt a doll will come alive because it has a 'demon' inside of it... that's very stupid.

I placed the fluffy red Elmo doll on the counter, it was the only doll I could find. Cutting open his torso with a dull knife that looks like it's been used earlier, I took all of the cotton out of the body of the doll. Nothing but an empty void was left where the cotton should be.

Taking the same knife, I cut a little slit in my finger. My blood trickled from my skin and into the doll, soaking it with my DNA. I poured the bag of white rice into the doll, filling it back up. I stitched the doll with red string, and held it in my hands. I turned around and looked at the others who were watching my every move.

"It's time." I said and they all slightly nodded, following me upstairs and into the bathroom. I filled the sink up with warm water, and slowly placed in the doll, watching it sink to the bottom of the sink. Looking around I nodded at everyone and we all said "Tag you're it!" three times before stabbing the doll. A red liquid floated out of the doll, and into the water, darkening it; blood. This was our cue to run into different hiding spots, turning out all of the lights on our way.

I was pulled into a tight, confined space and the door closed after I entered it. Shivers traveled up my spine, but I wasn't scared, none of this was real. "Shh!" Came a voice from behind me, their chest was pressed against my back with how tight this closet was. I shifted and turned around, turning on the light. Ivan's familiar features came into view for a split second before I turned the lights back off again. Ivan's hands around my waist, my hands on his muscles as we were basically all up on each other in this small closet.

5 minutes later...

A blood curdling scream was heard throughout the house which caused me to slightly jump and shift all of my weight onto Ivan. He groaned out silently, not expecting the sudden impact. I heard footsteps running and the huffing of breath. The light of a flashlight was shown, but went by as quickly as it came. Someone was on the run... that's not good.

A slight knocking was heard at the door, and neither of us dared to move a muscle. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my right foot that was next to the door. The sound of metal against wood hit my ears and I gasped, my foot was slightly bleeding soaking my white socks with the red stain. How is this happening? The only one with a knife is... the doll. It's probably not the doll.

Ivan panicked and took some of the saltwater that was prepared and splashed it onto the knife. The knife immediately stopped sliding under the door and a slight hiss was heard. "You hurt Elmo." Was heard and my eyes began tearing up. The voice was in a demonic Elmo voice, and sounded like it was blood thirsty.

I couldn't take it anymore, I believed in these evil spirits and all of this voodoo magic shit. I opened the closet the door, salt water in hand, but the doll wasn't there. The doll was in the kitchen, standing on the ledge of the table, begging to be killed. I navigated my way toward the demon filled doll and stop in front of it on the opposite side of the table. The knife was thrown and it whizzed past my head. Out of instinct, I threw the salt water onto the doll as it fell off of the table and onto the ground with a thud.

"I win, I win, I win." I rushed my words out, hoping it worked. "It's all clear!" I heard Ivan yell out and people began filing out of their hiding places, sweating dripping off of their forehead, and their faces a sickly pale. They obviously had encounters with the doll, itself.

"The last step is to burn the remains." I whispered quietly as the kitchen lights were then turned on. No one volunteered to lay a finger on the doll, so I picked it up and took it into the backyard, everyone following slowly behind. I took the lighter fluid and squirted a bunch of it onto the firewood that we managed to already have. I lit the fire and quickly threw the doll in, waiting for it to get devoured in the flames.

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