Chapter 8

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I was laying on a beach chair on top of the concrete roof. The sun was beaming down onto my skin, causing a tingling sensation to linger in that spot. My triangle bathing suit making it easy to get a tan.

"Hey." I heard from behind me, causing me to slightly jump and look around in panic. (at the disco) "Chill, it's just me." The familiar smooth voice of Ivan said. I gave him a playful death glare. He placed his hand over his heart and started walking toward me.

"So, I was about to go to the beach. I was thinking about inviting you, since you love surfing so much." Ivan said and I thought of his suggestion. I mean I haven't gone surfing in almost two weeks and I need a good video for my separate channel. "I'm done." I said looking back over at Ivan with a smile carved into my face.

"Well, let's go." He said and I gathered my things and stood up from the beach chair. Ivan stood back from the ladder and looked back at me. I looked at him and motioned for him to go forward. "No," He said in his adorable Hispanic accent. Unfortunately, I never had one. "Ladies always go first." He finished and my heart literally skipped a beat. He was such a gentleman.

My things were taken from my hand, and I looked to see them in Ivan's arms. "Thanks." I thanked him and he only nodded and smiled in response. I began slowly climbing down the hot, metal bars of the ladder. My hands felt like they were about to fall off because of the heat that was conducting into my hand.

When I was about two feet away from the ground, I couldn't take the heat anymore so I jumped. My feet landed perfectly onto the concrete and my feet immediately started to burn up from the heat. Why is it so hot today? It's supposed to rain anyway... So after, Ivan landed next to me on the ground.

We opened the doors and was in Jake's room. His room was slightly a mess, but it was definitely better than the twins room.


I get into the driver's seat of the car and Ivan hops into the passenger side without question. Considering I was in a bathing suit and driving with the top down in the car, I was a little scared for the amount of cat calls I was going to get. You never know what you might receive in the streets of Las Angeles.

As I started the car, the engine roared to life, and the smell of petrol overwhelmed me. It was a bad smell for you, but it smelled so good. I was snapped out of my thoughts as the car began to move automatically. I looked down at my foot and realized that I was slightly pressing the gas. Good thing there was nothing but miles of road in front of us.

About five minutes into the slightly windy drive, I was parked at a long red light. "Hey sexy mama!" I heard from my right. I saw Ivan flick his head that way and what they said had gotten my attention. There were about five guys in the car and all of them were looking straight at me. It was easy to see who the culprit was because he was in the driver's seat looking completely red as his buddies clapped him on the back for getting my attention.

There was a type of flame in Ivan's eyes. I couldn't fully see his facial expression, because he was turned away from me. "How about we go back to my place, sexy." The dude told me. It was more of a command than a question. I could see Ivan slightly ball up his fists in rage as the man spoke each syllable. If this red light doesn't hurry up, I could tell this was not about to be a pretty sight. 

Ivan's hand reached for the door handle, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the light turn green. I stepped on the gas and sped down the road, getting as far away from them as possible and leaving skid marks on the concrete. 

"You've taken that situation lightly." I heard and I turned my head toward Ivan, but immediately turned back and focused on the road. "I'm used to it, happens all the time." I answered easily, which was true. Cat calls are the least of my worries when it comes to driving with the hood down. "No woman as beautiful as you should have to go through situations like this every single day." Ivan said and a light pink blush sprinkled onto his cheeks, a small smile playing at his lips. I look at him with the most serious look on my face,

"It's every day bro."

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