Chapter 24

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Joshua left before I had woken up, and I assumed it was for the Game starting this week. Things seemed to be better between us, thankfully, and I hadn't received any new news from Solaris from the Higher Plane or about the Archangel's decision Nikolai. However, when I went downstairs, Mr. Hanekoma had requested that I do something for him while he was stuck observing the Reaper's Game.

Mr. Hanekoma said that he needed for me to go and meet with the Producer of Shinjuku to ask about when he saw Nikolai, and I left that morning to catch a train ride. I had arrived in Shinjuku a couple hours ago and hadn't felt the presence of an Angel, or rather, the Producer. I was expecting it to be hard. Like finding a needle in a haystack even if you could burn the hay. I wasn't expecting to find a single person among an entire city in one day and doing so would be great luck. Although, I has already planned on coming out here to Shinjuku to meet with the Producer anyways, whose name was about all I knew about him; Akira Kaiba. The only other information I knew about him was that he frequented Shinjuku Gyoen, a large park and garden in Shinjuku, which was a breathtaking sight to see. With trees (mostly cherry blossoms) surrounding the park, there was a large open field in the very center where a multitude of people sat on blankets, enjoying picnics under the bright sun as it shined down onto them.

I crossed a stone bridge that went over a small river here, and ran my hand over the intricate railing, feeling the smooth stone beneath my fingers. As I crossed the bridge, I noticed the small fish swimming in the river which gave me a sense of calming serenity. Eventually, I found myself away from the river and the crowd of people in the main part of Gyoen, under many cherry blossom trees which surrounded me on all sides. Cherry blossoms fell from the branches and around me, giving the ground a light pink, to white hue that radiated brightness from the ever shining sun.

There was a stone bench nearby, and I walked over to it, and sat down as I watched the blossoms fall. It wouldn't hurt to take a small break. After all, I had been walking around for hours and hadn't had any luck. I closed my eyes as I felt the gentle breeze of the wind carry the cherry blossoms somewhere behind me. Some footsteps approached my figure and I felt a familiar presence that came at me suddenly. I opened my eyes and looked to see a male around Mr. Hanekoma's age walking up to me. The aura he gave off was also friendly and angelic all the same.

He sported black dress pants and a tucked in light blue dress shirt that had a gray blazer over it. Along with that, he had on a brown belt, and what looked like black vans, or some kind of sneaker.

The light brown haired male had baby blue eyes that were looking directly at me. His presence was that of an Angel's and he stopped next to the bench I was sitting on and gestured to the seat next to me.

"Is this spot taken or reserved?" I shook my head and scooted over so that he would have more room as he sat down. He turned towards me and held out his hand.

"I'm Akira. Akira Kaiba. You must be (Y/n) (L/n). Sanae told me you might be here today so I came out to meet you. He's an old friend of mine." Sanae? He must be very familiar with Mr. Hanekoma to address him that way. I took his hand and shook it as I nodded. He must've felt my presence as well to come out here.

"That would be correct. I'm (Y/n). Mr. Hanekoma has never mentioned you before until just earlier today. I just blindly came out here not knowing what you looked like. Although, this place is beautiful. I never even knew it was here and I practically live in Shibuya," I said. Shinjuku Gyoen was split in about half. About 3/4 of the entire park was in Shinjuku and the other part was in Shibuya.

"Yes, most people mistake this park for being centered in Shinjuku. Was there something you wished to speak with me about? Sanae said there was something he wanted to ask me something too but a Game started up over there, correct?"

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