Part 9 of He's the bad boy imagine♡

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A/N Hey guys! Hope You like it. Oh and by the way 90,000+ reads? I love you guys, You're amazing!

~Erin xo

Y/N's POV:

Me and Tyler are in his car on our way back to school.

"I had a great time Y/N" Tylers says, Smiling at me.

"So did I, You cheered me up" i reply.

"Good. Well I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me again sometime?" he asks nervously.

"Yeah I would love too" I say.

"Really, Great. Uh what about tommorow night?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah that's fine" I tell him. He nods and takes a hold of my hand. I smile. We get back to school and walk inside hand in hand. He walks me to my locker and kisses my cheek. I can see Austin watching from the other end of the hall.

"See you later" I say.

"Yeah, See you" Tyler replies. Austin looks away after and walks down the hall.

Austin's POV:


This is what heartbreak feels like.

I see her and Tyler walk into the school hand in hand. He kisses her cheek once they get to her locker. He then after walks away. I am full of regret over playing her, Stringing her along. I could of just asked her out and won her over.  But me being me decided to do the stupidest plan and play her. Well that's who I am, The dangerous bad boy player right? No. Not on the inside. Let me tell you my backround story. I was picked on for liking to sing and stuff all through elementary school. As soon as I hit grade nine it was the perfect time to change my cover. I turned into the schools mysterious bad boy. Rumors went around and that's who I acted as. I look into the music room and see there's no one in there. I sit down on one of the speakers and grab one of the guitars sitting on the stands.

Y/N's POV:

I forgot my notebook in my locker so I am walking in the hallway to go get it. I pass by the music room and hear a voice singing. I peer in and see it's Austin.

"So your friend's been telling me

You've been sleeping with my sweater

And that you can't stop missing me.

Bet my friend's been telling youI'm not doing much better' Cause I'm missing half of me.

And being here without you is like I'm waking up to

Only half a blue sky, Kinda there but not quite

I'm walking around with just one shoe

I'm half a heart without you

I'm half a man at best,With half an arrow in my chest

I miss everything we do,I'm half a heart without you

Forget all we said that night No, it doesn't even matter

'Cause we both got split in two

If you could spare an hour or so, We'll go for lunch down by the river

We can really talk it through

And being here without you is like I'm waking up to Only half a blue sky

Kinda there but not quite

I'm walking around with just one shoe

I'm half a heart without you

I'm half a man at best,With half an arrow in my chest

'Cause I miss everything we do,I'm half a heart without you

Half a heart without you,I'm half a heart without you"

I feel like clapping but I know if I did he would know I was watching him. That was beautiful though. I can't help feeling that that song was directed towards me?.

So how was it? I kind of gave you guys a background story to Austin.

Part 10? comment below♥

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