Part 3 of the He's the nerd imagine

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Hey guys! I decided that I should do the next part of this imagine lmao

So here it is! It's been a while so you maybe should go read parts 1 and 2 again (:


"What does he mean by that he'll get bullied more?" I sigh to my best friend.

"I don't know if you noticed (Your/Nickname) but a lot of guys like you and you've rejected all them. Austin is the first one you've hanged out with, So all the guys are jealous" She explains.

"Yeah but it's none of their business, plus it's not like me and Austin are dating" I sigh.

"Yeah but you want to!" She smiles, poking my side.

"Wellllll....I don't know" I reply with a grin.

"Face it (Y/N), He has everything you look for in a guy. He's smart, Cute, sweet and has that hot nerd thing going on that you've always liked. He can sing and dance too" She exclaims.

"Yeah I know! I just I don't know what to do he doesn't like me" I tell her.

"How do you know?" She replies questioningly.

"Because I just know that I'm probably not his type is all" I say.

"(Y/N) You totally are! Stop doubting it, I can tell he likes you" She says.

"I don't know. It's whatever" I reply.

Austin's POV:

"Austin!" (Y/N) runs up to me. "Will you please stop ignoring me?!".

"(Y/N) I already told you, I have to stay away from you" I tell her.

"Why? Seriously?! This is why I don't go out with anyone!, you hang out then YOU start to like them then they suddenly don't want to hang out anymore" She exclaims. "It's just stupid".

"(Y/N) it's not like that. I'm going to get beat up if I hang with you, these jock type guys like you and if I get in between them and you, I'm going to get it" he sighs

"It doesn't matter what they think Austin. Gosh I knew you didn't like me!" She sighs, starting to walk away.

I grab her arm, stopping her.

"What do you mean (Y/N)?". Does she like me?.

"I-I It doesn't matter" She says.

"Yes it does! Tell me" I reply.

"It's pretty obvious, I like you" she admits.

"I like you too" I smile.

"Then nothing else matters" She says, leaning up and kissing me quickly.

"So, can I take you on a date?" I ask.

"Well....." She trails off and I look at her sad and confused. "Of course you can, I'm just teasing you". She laughs and I grin.

"Ha ha, very funny" I say sarcastic, pulling her into a hug.



So, I just made a tumblr! I'm going to be posting Preferences and Imagines on there so maybe Follow me?

My user is : its-Erin-here

I'll be doing requests on there too!

Thanks guys!

Also Thank you for 400,000 reads it literally makes me so happy!, you guys are so amazing and I love you all so much<3

~Er xo

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