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Oh shit. Heyyy! Long time no see, I've been selling weed. Jk but enjoy this chapter and read my a/n at the end if you want.
Signe pov
Run. Run! My eyes flutter open as I was greeted with green vision! Wait what? Where am I. I look around suddenly realizing I was in a tank filled with green goo. I started breathing hard inti the tube that I was getting oxygen. Am I'm going to die? No! I can't possibly die now! As my panicking begin to panick more I notice Anti walk into the room. I push against the glass. Anti walk over to a control panel and ouch the bottom making the green goo  and I rush out of the glass tank. I took a deep breathe coughing.
I look at the ground which the green goo we're now escaping through the small holes.
"Signe. This power that was given to you have gave strength and protection. Imma let you know now and tell you that you have full control over her for about 90 percent of the time, but the other 10 percent is when she goes wild, and if she does she can hurt you and especially the people around you." I stare at Anti confused. "Here. There is no time to ask questions." He then injected something into me with a needle. "Also Signe before I go. Her name is Darki." And just like that he pick me up and left. Darki?

Amy pov
Why? Why am I'm so scared? What the hellbis happening? Signs and Marzia are acting like they did this a million times before. Ugh! Stop being a scaredy cat and step up to their level. But how. This Anti and Darki things are fake stuff the fans made up. How can they possibly be true? Why couldn't I just ran when I saw him?

"Don't you think they're taking a bit too long? " I ask since it's been 10 minutes since they left. "Calm down babe, they're probably having a hard core make out session." Mark said making us laugh. "Not even. They're probably having hard core sex." Felix said humping the air imitating them. Again making us laugh. "Nahh I think Signe is wayy too innocent for that." Marzia butted in. "I mean I don't know. Maybe can find out." We all stood there in shock as we saw a figure who look exactly like Mark but with a black fog around him and pure black eyes. "Dar-" Felix said but was soon cut off by Dark putting a napkin over his mouth making him past out. He did the same to everyone else but me. I watch scared out my mind but not knowing what to do. But why was I just standing there? "Hmph. So scared that you can't even move. Pathetic." He walk towards me and put the napkin over my mouth as I pass out.

Sean pov
I felt my body slammed against the wall as I look in Dark eyes with fury. "I just want to know where she's at!" "Hey! I got her right here now take your friends and leave. Us dark sides need to have a meeting. " I look at Anti as he then click a button pushing a rock away showing us the moonlight. What they hell. We we're right in front of the entrance this whole time? "If you keep walking you will get to the spot you we're originally at and don't worry Sean and Mark, we will be back in your body in a week. Now bye-bye." He push all of out and the rick went back to it's original form making all of us confused, shock, and happy? I turn around and engulfed Signed into a warm big hug. I'm just gald Signe is okay.
Hello! School is officially out two days ago May 31 and it feel weird. Only because we got off of school 7 or 6 days early, but I'm not complaining. Anyways school is out but it's isabout as shit in Florida. I mean it will rain in the middle of the day for some type of reason but still. I tried to make this chapter longer and which I did because the story itself was about 600 words long which is 400 words longer then I usually do but I will try to keep up with my schedule and try to make chapter longer but anyways byyyyeeee!

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