Ch.7 Dissapear

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I looked through the house everywhere. And he was nowhere to be found. I started getting really worried. Then I saw a note on the floor it said:

Dear Abigail,

You have probely now noticed that you lover is gone. I have taken him and you are probley wondering who I am wll just have to find out! You should have listened to Klaus's warning about Damon and Stefan. I will give you a clue onto who I am. I was with them in 1864 Mystic Falls and I am the one who turned them and I love them both. Meet me at Mystic Grill at 5:00 tomorrow.Or there will be consiquensis!

I crumbled up the note and threw it in the fire. Whoever this was she is watching. I went to Damon's room when I heard a door open. It was Elena!

"Oh my god Elena it is sooo good to see you something terrible has happened!" When I hugged her something was different about her like it wasn't her?

"I know I know I heard... I mean I saw when Kathrien took Stefan she just left me there."

She stuttered and I knew it was not her! Wait why did that name Kathrien ring a bell. Then I remembered it was the woman who turned Damon and Stefan and loved them both! It was Kathrien and she is Elena's doppleganger. I remembered it all now the stuff Klaus,Damon, and Stefan told me.

"Hey are you thirsty I have some wine,scotch,burbon,water?"

"Water would be fine please,thanks!"

I went downstairs and garbbed a glass from the kitchen and filled it with water then I grabbed some vervain, there was a whole bag of it and I almost put the whole thing of it in! I spilled some on the counter but I just whiped it off. I went back upstairs and Kathrien was in Stefan's room. I handed her the glass.

"Thanks, alot I really needed this!" She took a sip and she was not effected.

"Really you tried to pull this on me Abigail couldnt an original like you think of a better way to kill me I mean you are Klaus's sister. I would expect you to be smart and a little more of a challenge!"

"Your right Kathrien I am Klaus's sister and I am smarter than that!" I stabbed a stake close to her heart and if I moved my hand an inch then she would be dead but I need her to tell me where Damon,Stefan, and Elena are.

"No tell me where Damon and Stefan are!"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I am one inch away from you heart and of you dying and you have about sixty seconds to tell me before I kill you!"

"Ok ok i'll tell you! They are in Alexandria,Virginia in a mansion in the basement. I will give you the address if you let me go!"

"Fine" That took easier than I thought! She gave me the address and she ran off to god knows where.

I grabbed the keys to Damon's car and drove off as fast as possible without trying to break the law. About 45min I was there and I have to admit it was a nice mansion Kathrien has good taste in men and houses! I ran in and I found the basement. I opened the door and it was heavy. I was getting weak I had to feed soon! I saw Stefan, Damon, and Elena. I tried to wake up Damon and he was not waking up. Then Stefan he woke up after I slapped him in the face. Then Elena she mumbled a couple words but it sounded like "Grab the gem!" At least I think that is what she said but I dont know I will ask her later. She woke the minute I touched her. I tried Damon again but he was not waking I got really worried then I saw vervain leaves all over his chest and I could smell that the cuffs were soaked in vervain too! I quickly took the cuffs off and grabbed some water from the kithchen in the mansion and poared it on him. He woke up and was coughing badly. I got a blood bag for Stefan and Dmaon and they drank quickly. Stefan was able to get himself up with me and Elena's help. I had to help Damon up and we got out of the house until me, Stefan, and Damon dropped to the ground and something was bothering my heard it was a whitch. One was around and Elena didnt know what to do.

"Go call Klaus!" I scaremed. She did and I screamed and whimpered in agony. Even though I am an original this spell was really stroung and could even bring Klaus down. I looked at Damon and he was just laying on the gorund. I was able to crwl to him and I shook his body and he opened his eyes he told me he was just hurting and that is really hurt. As he also screamed in pain all three of us! Somebody came out of the shadows and I was hoping it would be Klaus but it wasn't, but her face looked familer. Then I remebered.

"Look Damon, we have to go it is........


I know cliffhanger!! Please comment,vote, whatever!! :)

If you have any ideas please let me know and send me a message! Also the rating is suppoesed ti be PG13 so yea!

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