Ch.11 Just Friends

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"Where do you think she is?" I asked Stefan.

"I dont know?"

"Well what where you guys doing before she dissapered?"

"Well we were kinda fooling around!?" He said with a smile on his face. Damon gave him a look like a jealosy look but I didnt know why until Damon pushed Stefan into a wall.

"What was that for, Damon?" I asked kinda pissed off!

"I dont know what came over me? I'm sorry, I need to go!" He said very confused.

"Wait where are you going we have to find Elena?!" I said.

"I am not going on another Elena scavenger hunt! Just leave me alone!" He said screaming at me.

"Fine!" I said yelling back at him.

"Then there was two!" Stefan said trying make it funny!

"Whatever!" I sayed laughing a little.

"So should we call Bonnie over to do her little witch voo doo?" I asked Stefan.

"Yea I'll call her!" He said laughing a little refering to my witch statement.

It rung a couple times before she answered and Stefan was talking to her.

"Bonnie said she will be right over."

"Ok, so what should we do while we wait?"

"I dont know what would you like to do?" Stefan said as he came closer to me.

"What are you doing you are with Elena and I'm with Damon." I said trying to convince him that this was a bad idea but know he was cenimeters away from me. He looked deep into my eyes and knew I wanted to. He leaned in and hesitated for a bit but then kissed me. He mouth was nothing like Damon's. The kiss was soft yet passionate and then very romantic but I knew it was wrong. I pulled away.

"Stefan....please you love Elena and I love Damon it could never work. I'm sorry!"

"Yea your probley right, it was a bad idea and we should never tell Damon or Elena this."

"Agreed we should never tell them!" I said with a smile on my face as we shook hands like we just made a business deal.

"Friends?" He asked."

"Yea, just friends." I said as he looked a little said when I said "just". The door swung open as Bonnie walked in with a spell book.

"Hey Bonnie!" I said. Bonnie and me are not that good of friends since I am an original and as she says I cant be trusted.

"Ok so I want to try out this new spell to help us find Elena." Bonnie said rolling her eyes at me. What a bitch.

"What does this spell requier for it to work?" Stefan asked as I just sat on the couch about ready to pour myself a drink.

"Well all we need is me and the blood of an original. And since Abigail is here she is perfect for giving blood." She said eviliy smiling at me. As I squinted my eyes at her.

"Fine here take it." I grabbed a knife and sliced my palm it stung but I'll live. I put it in a cup and Bonnie did her witch voo doo.

"So what is this supposed to do?" Stefan asked, in the middle of Bonnie's spell.

"It is going to give me a visual on where she is and how she is doing." Bonnie said while mumbling some words. Then she started describing a place.

"It is dark and there are candles all around.It is like a cave but it has writings on the wall like some sort of massage and pictures too but I cant really describe them. Elena is laying on the ground she's bleeding and has bite marks all over her. Klaus is there. He senses my presences and knows we are coming." Then she stopped and closed he book while my blood was gone.

"I think I know where she is?" I said trying to remember.

"Well think hard ok!" Stefan told me.

"I remeber. The place where she is at is the old cave me and my brothers and sister would play. Typical Klaus always has to pick a place bring up the past." I said as Stefan and Bonnie excganged looks to eachother.

"Well do you still know where it is?" Bonnie asked me.

"Hell yea I would never forget it!" I said as Bonnie looked at me weirdly. I went over and poured me and Stefan a cup of bourben. I gave the cup to him and he tossed the whole thing in his mouth. I was taking sips but then I realized we are in a hrry so I gulped it down too. 

We got into the car and drove. The cave was not that far, it was only 20min away. I sat in the front seat and Bonnie sat in the back. When we got there it brought back alot of memories some good and some very painful. Bonnie wanted to wait in the car and told us if we needed help just to call her. When we entered the cave Stefan quickly ran over to Elena and gave her his blood. But then Klaus came.

"No need for that she already has my blood in her system so she will be fine."

"Why did you take her Klaus?" I asked.

"Well number one I needed more of her blood for making new hybrids and secondly I wanted to see you and I want you to come with me."

"Why do you want me to come?" I asked curiously.

"Because you are my baby sister and I need you!"

"I would Klaus you know I would but I have a life here now I'm sorry!"

"I knew you were going to say that so that is why I am going to have to do this!" Klaus said eviliy.


What is Klaus going to do? Is Elena going to live? Is Abigail going to live? Where is Damon?  Where is Kathiren?

Soooo many questions!

Please vote,comment, or something IDK! :P          XD 

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