Ch.12 Jared

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"Wait what are you going to do?" I asked Klaus guessing that he had one of my loved ones.

"You will see! Kathrien bring him in here." Klaus said. Kassandra was standing near Elena to make sure she would not get away. Kathrien came in holding Damon as Kathrien licked Damons neck he was bleeding from the neck. I ran over to her and held her by her neck against the wall I got so mad that I threw her against the floor hard.

"Calm yourself Abigail!" Klaus said.

"No I will not Fu*king calm down. This drama with love is shit I cant believe I got in it. You all are so worried about making your lover want you and make them jealous but why cant you just love them for who they are. You all are messed up and need help. I cant deal with this shit! I'm sorry Damon I love you SO much you dont know how much but I cant be in this not while Kathrien and Kassandra are here!" I said as I walked out of the cave and started walking to the nearest bar. The bar was called Sally's fun house. I was a little hesistent about entering but it was just a bar.

WHen I entered the bar there were a bunch of men on the bar seats. I ordered some cheese and bacon fries and a beer then some shots. This one man reminded me of someone I met but I was to drunk to regonize him.

"Abigail Michealson, is that you?"

"Yea who are you?"

"It's me Jared Johnson." He said I looked at him weirdly trying to remember.

"We used to play in the cave together and when we got older you just left and I never saw you again. Damn Abigail you were my first love." Jared said as I rememebered him I loved him so much.

"Oh yes Jared I loved you so much and the reason I was gone was because Niklaus killed me.I never got to say goodbye to my first love, which was you , Jared." I didnt know what I was saying I was drunk but whatever pooped into my head I said.

Jared got close to me and grabbed my waist and pulled me against his body. We locked eyes and he leaned in to kiss me. I hesitated but then our lips touched. And like in all movies there were sparks and it was magical. I couldnt believe that two guys kissed me today. Jared was kissing me hard now and I just went with it, he slipped his tounge in my mouth. I pulled away and looked deep into his eyes, his brown dazzinling eyes. He picked me up and carried me into his car. I got into the front seat and he went to the drivers.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"I am taking you back home." He said in a concered voice.

"Why I was having fun!" I said with a grin on my face looking at him.

"No we have to go now. I have to drop you off this was a bad idea I should have never kissed you!"

I could feel tears starting in my eyes. Wait what are you talking about I thought you loved me?"

"I do but before he killed you that night Klaus told me if I ever get with you again he will rip my heart and kill everyone I have ever met."

"Dont let him scare you Jared. He just wants to protect his sister." I said in a calming voice.

"I am still taking you home. I'm sorry. Now where do you live?"

"Ummm I live nowhere, can I stay with you a couple days? Pleeeeeaaassse Jared!" I said with a puppy dog face on. I lied to him because I didnt want to go go back home at the moment.

"Fine but only for a couple days." He said in a stern voice as we drove off. I felt bad for just leaving like that in the cave. I miss Klaus, my big brother who can be protective, caring, sweet, insecure,a bastered. But in the end he is a pretty awesome guy and I love him. When we got to Jared's place he lived in a small apartment. The neighborhood seemed nice, I guess. When we entered his apartment it reminded me of a loft.

"Nice place you got her, Jared." I said

"Thanks, Abby! So since I dont have an extra room you will be sleeping with me." He said putting a smirk on his face.

"Hey I'm not that drunk. Even though I love you I also dont feel very good. Where is the bathroom?"

"Oh just down the hall and I have blood and booze in the kitchen so help yuorself. You can grab some pajamas in my room."

"Thanks Jared, really appreciate it!"

I got into the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and wrapped the towel around my body. I went into Jareds room and he was laying on the bed and looked like he was sleeing. I slipped out of the towel and I was naked. I grabbed some boxers and a shirt. I swear while I was changing I thought Jared peeked but I let it slide. He has seen me naked before. When I slipped into bed I cuddled up to him and he was warm and cuddly. I forgot how cute Jared looked while he was sleeping. He put he arm around me as I put my head on his chest.

-The Morning-

When I woke up he was still asleep. I checked the clock and it was 10. I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a blood bag. After my breakfest I went back to bed until I heard a large knock on the door. I got up and I forgot Jared was a heavy sleeper. You had to like throw a huge rock on him to wake him up. I put my hair up in a messy bun and headed to the door. I opened it and it was Kassandra.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked confused.

"Well I came to check up on you and Jared. Are you guys back together?"

"I dont know. And go away Damon or Klaus could have followed you."

"Oh thats right your with Damon and now I guess you are with Jared too?" Kassandra said very cocky.

"Shut the hell up you have no idea how much I love them both. So just back the f*ck off, ok!?"

"Fine but dont come crying to me when Jared breaks your heart!" I shut the door and locked it. I looked through the peephole and she was gone. What did she mean by breaks my heart. Was Jared going to hurt me. No he wouldnt, he loves me and I love him. At least I think so?

Abigail Michealson (Klaus's long lost sister)Where stories live. Discover now