I'll tell you why...

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Who wants to serve a God who can't promise that I won't have sleepless night worrying about the future?
Why on earth would I trust someone with my soul and I've never even seen "him" ?
What would I be if I lived  how I wanted to with no regrets and still made it to heaven?
Where would I end up if I don't believe in something that's out there?
When will he ever take all our worries away?
How am I supposed to believe in a God that allows us to drown in our sorrow when trouble arises?

The WHO is me And I believe
Because I've felt his love.
The WHY is different for everyone
But i trust him because he always come right on time.
The WHAT would be a slave to sin,
Because he died just to promise us something greater than what this world has to offer.
The WHERE is in my heart, he's washed away my pain and I've opened up my house and
Made it his home.
The WHEN is as soon as I take my last breath
On this earth and I am appointed to be judged by none other than He.
The HOW is simple.
I need you to imagine how they whipped him
How they beat him
They opened up his back with every lash and tore off pieces
The place he stood was slick from all the blood that he was bleeding
He could've stayed right there as if he was defeated
But NO.....
He knew that no on else could save the world we need him
And so he took the form of wretched man
They called him Jesus
He left his throne in heaven
Then Satan had deceived them
He had to go to earth to save our lives and win our freedom.
And when I do see Jesus
I would love to pick His brain
Like how'd it feel to die and live again but I'll be too busy crying holy.
You didn't have to do it
But You did it anyway
Someone had to die for sin
So You came and took my place
How could I not cry holy
Holy, holy, holy.

There is nothing more to say
About a being
Who was who is and is still to come
He has saved me and made me me
And I am because of I am

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