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Luca POV:

The door of her house opened, and who am I seeing there? ...CORRECT! my future girlfriend, and she was beautiful, not just sexy, ´cause sexiness is natural on her, but she was beautiful as an angel , and gees, those skinny jeans were committing crime to my eyes! one word and 3 letters to describe her: HOT.

As my mom walked to the kitchen, we both went to the living room

- Hey ya hottie, I´ve got to tell you something... 

-Hey ya alien, uhm, You should know by now that I don´t really care right?- she said faking a smile

-Uhm, guess what? I´m to concentrate in those skinny jeans!- she glared at me, ha knew it, she loves me - anyways, sweetie, I think this is love at first sight ya know.

- Yeah uhm,you´re wrong, it´s called: hate at first sight, easy to understand it right?- she´s so hot hot hot! smoking hot

- Oh darling,you know what?, Must confess you I´m a psychic, I can predict the future- she rolled her caramel eyes

- Oh really!! and are you predicting that your ego is going to make me kill you? - she said faking enthusiasm, I know she´s mine, she know she´s mine! not in vane I´m called, Luca the player.

-No, I´m predicting that by the end of this entire summer, you will be so in love with me ....- I said, and this isn´t a lie, I swear it.

- Really? gees you´re so...

- Perfect? sexy? I already know that - she stood up and went up stairs! what? nobody leaves me talkig alone!!!

I followed her, no way I´m staying down stairs.

- why the fuck are you following me?! you annoy me! don´t you get it?! why dude, why?!- she said getting angry

-because you fucking attract me and I fucking like when you´re pissed off ´cause you look fucking pretty!- PAUSE RIGHT THERE...WHAT DID I JUST SAID? I COULDN´T SAID SHE´S PRETTY ... that word isn´t in my dictionary, that word couldn´t go out through my mouth, I must be dreaming...

-wait , hold on, did the bad boy, the most popular player from L.A just called me pretty? - ok that wasn´t a dream, hang on... what? I think I´m blushing?!!!, no, no way, I can´t be blushing, I never blush, what is wrong with me!!!

Samantha POV:

What have I just heard from his mouth, does he called me pretty?! the most known player in L.a just said I´m pretty and actually said he is attracted to me?oh gosh, This is getting fun...

Wait,he´s blushing!!!! haha I´m just feeling that pleasure when you beat your so confident enemy, haha poor him, I bet this is the first time of him blushing  

- Uhm... what? wait... of course you are pretty, pretty sexy, that´s exactly what I meant, don´t get me wrong dear - And for a minute I thought he had a thing inside his chest called, heart; but no, after that minute, he was he same stupid, bitchy jerk.

-Idiot. - I said sitting in my little up stairs living room - aren´t you coming?

I know it´s weird from me asking him to join, yeah, but I don´t know why I just wanted to be with him...

-Here I am my lady - he said smiling sitting next to me

- That was creepy... never mind, I´ll go get something to eat - I said as I run down stairs and isn´t weird that he didn´t reply? ah whatever.

I grabbed some cookies and sandwiches and when I got upstairs... I saw the unthinkable, oh GOD, I swear I wouldn´t have imagine this in millions and millions of years...




Luca was playing the guitar while singing one of my favorites songs, how to love by lil´wayne, and that´s not all, he was actually singing from the heart,eyes closed with passion and pain written all over his face, I swear I saw his pain, I actually felt it, he was breaking in front of my eyes, I felt his emotions, I just felt him and he was being real, so damn real, I could see some of his tears dropping, oh god what made him feel like this? what is hurting him so bad?

He finished singing beautifully and saw me standing there, I was in shock, not moving, with my eyes wide open.

-Uhm sorry just wanted to play a little bit... - he said sadly, while going to the restroom.

 Luca POV:

What have I done?!! shit, I don´t want her to know about my past, I don´t want anyone to know about it, it´s my life, my pain, my fear...

Ok Luca, take it easy, calm down, everything´s fine,just count to ten and breathe...

I washed my face so that she couldn´t notice the tears in my eyes,  and finally managed to get out of the restroom and sit with Samantha again, I just pray she doesn´t ask, please!

- Sorry about that ,when I sing, I´m so damn good, I end by crying and making other cry.- I hope she believes it.

- Oh, I thought...- she said making a pause - You´re never going to change aren´t you?

-No, I´m not changing because I love how am I, and you love it to- I said smirking at her

- Not even in hell, I wouldn´t love you even if you were the last man standing on earth. - she said still stubborn but kindly

- That´s what you think babe, that´s what you think...








HATE THAT I LOVE YOU SO (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now