An Unexpected Visitor

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Bethany's POV

“Happy Birthday, Bethany Rose.”

Percy and I stand there bewildered. It’s not my birthday, as far as I know. It’s Percy’s. We must have looked ridiculous, standing there in our Pajamas, swords aiming at an old man. He doesn’t look like a monster, and he’s certainly not acting like one.

“Excuse me?” I say. “It’s Percy’s birthday, not mine.”

“Really?” The man says, looking mildly interested. “This is an odd and fun coincidence. Happy Birthday to you too, young man.”

Percy and I share a glance. I’m getting more confused by the minute.

“Are you going to invite me inside?” the man says. “It’s probably dangerous for people like you two to hang around outside, especially at this time of night.”

How did he know? “Very well, come inside. I’m afraid we have a lot of questions to ask you.” I say.

The man’s eyes twinkle, as if this excites him.

Once we close the door, the man crosses to the couch and sits down. M-mom (I’m still trying to get used to that) gives us a questioning look, but Percy gestures for her to listen. The three of us sit on chairs, and the man starts to talk.

“My name is Albus Dumbledore,” The man says. “although, if Bethany chooses to go to my school, she most likely will just call me Professor. We’ve been looking for her for a while now, and finally I was able to find her yesterday. She’s been missing from our world, and most of us doubt that she is even alive.”

“Your world?” I ask. This just keeps getting better and better.

“That’s what I came to talk to you about. We tried to send you owls, but they always turned up missing.” Dumbledore says. “You’re extremely well protected. We’ve never encountered the protection that has been around you.”

I blush. Owls had apparently been turning up lost at Camp Half Blood all summer. They always end up looking clumsy, and there were always a bunch of torn up pieces of paper all over them. They were always never able to get through the barrier. And to think it was because of me...

“Just get to the point.” I say. “I hate it when people try to explain things by telling super long stories.”

Dumbledore chuckles, his eyes glinting miraculously. “Alright. Bethany, you’re a witch.”

That of course, I had not been expecting. After around thirty seconds I realize my mouth is open. I close it. “What!?”

“I know it’s hard to believe, especially because of everything that happened this summer.” He says.


“Yes I know, your mother only ever told me about your father.”

“You knew-“

“Yes I knew her. Amethyst Rose was a remarkable student. I was very grieved to learn of her death. Of course, during that week, a lot of great witches and wizards suffered.”

“Okay...” I say.

M-mom clears her throat. “Is there any other reason you decided to come here?”

As if to answer her question, an owl flies in the room, dropping a letter onto my lap and landing on Percy’s head, who is so startled he runs it through with riptide. Fortunately for the owl, it’s mortal, so it wasn’t harmed.

            I smirk at Percy who sends me a glare. I smile innocently at him, before opening the letter.

            “Dear Miss Rose, We are Pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” I read.

            “But Bethany’s already enrolled in another school.” mom says, confused.

            “We can take care of that.” Dumbledore assures her.

            “Bethany, do you want to do this?” she says, looking at me. Her expression says ‘It’s your decision, and I’ll respect it.

            I nod. “I do want to do this. If my mom went to this school, so do I.”

            “Alright then Bethany, I will arrive at half past ten to pick you up.” The man says, turning to leave.

            “Wait-“ I start, but the man had already turned on the spot and disappeared with a loud CRACK!

            “Sorry for giving your birthday an early start.” I tell Percy.

            “It’s okay.” Percy says, giving me a teasing smile. “Besides, if that man’s correct, it’s your birthday too.”

            “Which reminds me. What would you like, Bethany?” Mi- Mom asks. (Oh forget it, I’ll just start calling her Sally) I feel myself go red.

            “You really don’t have to-“

            “Yes, I do. You’ve never known when your birthday was before, and you definitely haven’t gotten presents.” Sally insists. (Much easier.)


            “Bethany, I probably wouldn’t argue.” Percy says, grinning at my embarrassment.

            “Fine. Anything you want, as long as it’s under twenty dollars.” I say. I turn on my heel to get some rest before the morning.

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