The Sorting Hat

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Bethany’s POV

“Exactly what is going on?” I sigh.

            The blonde boy turns to me, his face sneering. “I was just telling Howard that her mum is a good for nothing blood traitor as well as she.”

            The atmosphere changes immediately. Even though I have no idea what it means, it doesn’t seem to be a very nice term.

            “And you’re blocking the way into the compartment. Where I so happen to be sitting.” I say.

            “Yeah, I’ll get out of your way. If you tell Howard I’m right, since Finnegan didn’t agree with me.” The boy says. His goons snicker dumbly.

            “What did you say your name was?” I say, anger building up inside me.

            “Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” He sneers. The anger starts banging around in my head like water does to a too full closed container. “Might I ask you yours?”

            A wave roars in my ears as an enormous amount of water hits Malfoy in the face, drenching him and his enormous friends with water. Apparently as my anger had been building up, I had cracked open the water jug. Oops. I’m going to have to ask Chiron how to better control my powers.

            “That’s Bethany Rose to you.” I sneer at him, able to shove past him during their moment of shock.

            And of course, the git decides to say “Your alive!?”

            I sigh. “Honestly, the next person who says that is going to be punched into Tartarus.”

            Malfoy looks confused for a second. “Tartarus? What’s that?”

            “Why don’t you go find a book and read about it. Then you’d be doing something useful.”

            “More useful then hanging around blood traitors like you.” Malfoy says. Then he leaves.

            “At least he left.” I sigh. I turn to Selene who’s staring at me with wide eyes.

            “How did you do that?” She asks. Oh no. I play dumb.

            “Do what?” I ask.

            “The water thing.” Well that didn’t work. Plan B.

            “Oh... er.... accidental magic, I suppose.” I lie lamely.

            “Well... okay.” Selene says, not looking totally convinced.


Emily’s POV

            The train pulls into Hogsmeade station, and Selene, Bethany, and I jump off the train, our robes billowing behind us. I had finished my book about 30 minutes before, and I had been getting increasingly anxious ever since.

            Selene is still a bit freaked out after the incident with the water. Bethany could have been telling the truth about it being accidental magic, but in my opinion, It does look a bit fishy. (a/n sorry, bad pun) It really did show that Malfoy kid, though. He was being really nasty.

Catching Water (Discontinued, rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now