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Bethany’s POV

            I hadn’t been sure how or when I’d return home, so I said my goodbyes as soon as I got back to the common room. I confused most of the people (They all thought I was in trouble, but when I told them I wasn’t they gave me a blank look before pestering me about what it was.) and Christopher seemed terrified when I told him that Gryffindor wanted to see him. Ten minutes later, he came back in with a smile on his face.

            “Thank you, Bethany.” He whispers in my ear. I give him a smile before running up to the dormitory to sit on my bed.

            Alright, Mr. Voice-inside-my-head. How am I getting home?

            I’m answered with a slight tingling sensation on my wrist. I rip away the bracelet, revealing that the symbol on my wrist was glowing. I shake my head, covering it again. “Of course!” I sigh. “I’ll ask Chiron about it.”

            I’m able to pay more attention this time around. The dormitory swirls around me like a thick fog, the shadows overtaking the room until it’s delved into blackness for the smallest moment. Then, I’m back in the room finishing the conversation I’d been having with my friends that seemed to have happened so long ago. How long had I been gone? 3 weeks? A month? I’d stopped counting.

            Ron says “It’ll be gone by next Tuesday!”

            None of them have looked at me yet. What would be gone? How? Why? Oh! I know. Snape was conspiring to gain the sorcerers (or philosophers, if you prefer) stone, and he was trying to get past Quirell’s defense.

            I shrug. “Well, at least—“

            Their heads snap in my direction.

            “What are you wearing?” Emily asks.

Selene’s POV

            By knowing Bethany was a demigod, you’d think you’d get used to strange things happening around her. But in reality, there are still some things that come out of the most random moments that make you think ‘Wait, what?’

            This was one of those moments. At one moment she was wearing the sweater Ron’s mum made her for Christmas, and the next, she’s wearing some sort of Victorian gown, and her hair was in a ponytail.

            Emily voices all our thoughts. “What are you wearing?”

            Bethany stares at her outfit confusedly for a moment before she realizes what Emily is talking about. She puts on her best innocent look, which probably means that her sudden change of clothing isn’t what she wants to talk about right now. She pulled her hair out of its ponytail, dusted off the black dress, and said “Clothing.” Hermione opens her mouth, but she cuts her off. “We’ll have to be extra nice to Quirell.” She suggests. “We can do that tomorrow during class, but right now, let’s go to bed. I am extremely tired.”

            Her voice is so commanding that we all actually listen. We hug Emily goodbye so she can head back up to Ravenclaw tower. But it doesn’t stop Hermione and I from asking questions in the dorm after we’ve gotten our pajamas on.

            “How did you do that?” Hermione asks. “Did you transfigure your clothes or something?”

            “Too advanced for a first year.” She says, grabbing her toothbrush.

Catching Water (Discontinued, rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now