Diagon Alley

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Bethany's POV

I was more than relieved when I got out of Gringotts. I bring out the list again, which Dumbledore helps me decipher.

I buy my books, and of course they had to look so complicated I thought my eyes would fall out.

I had fun getting my other things though. The day didn't seem to get any weirder then it had. That is until I went to get my robes.

"What is your name dearie?" Madam Malkin asked. I hesitated before answering. When I said my name, she dropped her wand.

"You're alive!?' She spluttered.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Oh, never mind. Forgive me, I was being rude."

But the weirdest part was when I went to get my wand.

"Hello?" I call, my voice echoing through the empty shop. A sharp snap reveals a man on a ladder.

"Hello miss. How may I help you?" 

"I've come to get a wand, sir."

"Ah, we'll." Ollivander says. "How may I help you miss...."

"Rose." I help him.

Ollivander stumbles backwards a bit.

"Are you okay sir?"

"Yes. I remember your mother." He says. Well that's...... Creepy. "Oak and Pheonix feather. Great wand."

I stare at him, not sure if I should look around.

Ollivanders shop reminded me of a shoe store. Soon I found out that it was exactly like shopping in a shoe store.

"Willow, dragon heartstring, 12 and 1/2 inches." He hands me the wand. Almost immediately, he snatches it away. This is repeated quite a few times. But every time the wands are taken away, Ollivander gets increasingly happier. And my suspicion gets increasingly larger that this man is insane.

Finally- "Redwood and unicorn hair, 13 inches."

I take the wand and instantly a flash of gold light blinds the room. When the light dies down, a golden Greek omega is visible on the inside of my left wrist. I quickly hide it from sight. I look back at Ollivander who looked quite startled.

"Never in my time have I seen anything like that." He says.

"You mean.... It isn't normal for something like that to happen?" I ask.



"Nor did I expect it to come from that wand. Yes, the wood was rather fine, but I didn't expect it to be that powerful." Ollivander says.

I shrug. I know nothing about wands. I pay 7 galleons for the wand and walk out of the shop.

Dumbledore meets me outside.


I tell him what happened, minus the part about the omega.

"Ah, well. This shows that you have put power in the wand." Dumbledore says wisely. Although I bet Annabeth would have a better explanation. 

I wander over to the pet shop next. I've never owned a pet, nor am I sure if Sally would approve. But I've heard owls are really useful, so I want to get one.

Fifteen minutes later, I come out of Eyelopes Owl Emporium carrying a cage containing an owl with soft grey feathers, which was hooting happily.

All my shopping was done, so Dumbledore aparated out of the alley. But he didn't take me home. Instead, we are, again in a mortal street, in front of an shop window displaying nothing except a couple of gel manikins. Dumbledore leans forward, and whispers something to the manikins. I catch a name-Johnathan. What's really creepy is that the manikin actually nods. Next thing I know, I'm standing in a whitewashed room, approaching a receptionist.

"Where are we? What are we doing here?" I ask Dumbledore. He doesn't answer.

"We're here to see Johnathan Rose." He tells the receptionist.

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