Rin x Haru Chapter 7

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Hey! So here it is!! Chapter 7!! So exiting! Thank you all for reading and Happy Pride Month!!

The next day...

After swim practice the boys went into the locker room. It was oddly quiet... to quiet. Haru looked around at them as they got changed. 'This is weird.' Haru thought. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Nagisa-kun. " wait right there Haru-chan! We have some serious questions!" He pointed at Haru. " what do you mean?" Haruka asked, quiet puzzled to say the least. " Haruka-sempai, just what IS your relationship with Rin-sempai?" He asked, raiseing is glasses. Haru gulped  a little and looked around.. " we um... w-hat do you mean, exactly?" Haru asked a little worry in his voice.

" i think you know exactly what we're talking about!" Makoto raised his voicr at Haru! " w-wait.." Haru looked around and took a deep breath. " its ok. I should tell you.." he began. " tell us what?" Rei coaxed a bit. " M-me and R-Rin are in a R-r-rel-l-lat-tions-ship...." he looked down with a blush. " yeah we could guess since you guys ' did it' yesterday!" Makoto yelled. " you guys..." Haru started to cry... " yeah... we saw.... not all of it! Just you know, you guys... um... making out..."Nagisa looked down, ashamed. 

Haru looked at them in disbelief! "  you what!?" He asked, flabbergausted to say the least. " we're sorry Haruka-sempai! We just had to know!" Rei looked down also ashamed of what he did. But Makoto wouldn't have it! Haru was his best friend and he lied to him!?
Makoto pushed Haru against the lockers! " stop!" Nagisa argued!

Wow! Things are getting heated! I might do another lemon in the next 2-3 chapters! So get ready! Oh! And spoilers, Makoto and Haru become friends again... it was just an arguement after all! LOL!

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