rin x Haru chapter 9

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Hey guys! Before i get started happy fourth of July!! And thank you for all the reads! I love u guys!

After explaining what had happened ( exept for the sex scene) everybody went home content. I mean how could they not? Their best friends were in love! Plus, its the 21 century, get over it people! ( cough) anyways, after Rin and Haru got to Haruka's house and went inside...


" man! What a day!" Rin yawned and sat on the sofa. " it was.... a bit embarrassing also.." Haru added with a little blush on his cheeks. Rin took a big chug of water " aaahhh!!". Haru sat next to Rin on the sofa. " after telling that story about us and having sex in the pool...." Haru started, he straddled Rin unexpectantly and they started making out. " mmhm... haru..." rin moaned. " do you feel it too? " haru asked. Rin nodded and smiled! Soon they went into a hot kiss, tongue on togue dancing like a ballet! Rin took haru's shirt off amd started touching his abs, moving up and down and soon went and circled around the nipple slowly earning a moan from Haru. Rin was happy with the result and went on to squeezing gently at the nipple. " aahhh!" Haru moaned uncontrollably! Rin seperated from the kiss and went down to haru's chest.

Haru POV

Haru closed his eyes and felt a wet, good sesnation on his nipple " aahh!!" I moaned. It felt so good, Rin started kissing my nipples, then licking them on both sides. " e-enough..." I whispered. " oohh? Hasty aren't we?" Rin sexily laughed, breathing hot air onto Haru's abs. Haru forcibly took off Rin's shirt and moved up and down admiring Rin's tan 6 pack. " like what you see?" Rin whispered. Haru nodded.

No one's POV

rin went up to Haru's neck and kissed it gently all over, while he was doing that, Rin's hands traced down haru's lean hips and down to his pants to un buckle them. Haru was enjoying Rin's kisses on his neck but he wanted more! He felt rin unbuckle his pants so Haru did the same thing with Rin's pants to make the process go a little bit faster. They both unbuckled each others pants and just when rin was about to take Haru's off, Rin looked Haru deep in the eye " I'm gonna bring you to the bed. " Rin stated and picked haru up and tossed him on the bed. Right then, Haru looked so SEXY!
With a faint sparkle around Haru's body, his shirt off showing  his pale skin and 6-pack and then adding that Haru was HARD! It was so much for rin to handle!

Rin immediatly stripped of Haru's pants and other offending garments then did his like the speed of light! And just like that Rin pounced on Haru like a wild animal!
" I'm gonna make love to you." Rin whispered sexily into Haru's ear. Rin then plunged his fingers into Haru's mouth, and luckily Haru got the messgae pretty quickly cause in a few seconds he was acting like a pornstar sucking Rin's three fingers. Rin took them out and kissed Haru " good boy". He then went down to Haru's hole and put one inside, " mmhm" Haru felt uncomfortable but nodded Rin to go on.

Then Rin added two fingers, " aahh!" Haru whimpered! " its ok..." Rin said to Haru, he leaned in and while putting the third finger in also kissed Haru passionatly. Rin moved his fingers little by little inside of Haru until Haeu gave a nod. Then Rin took his fingers out with a slight " pop!" And adjusted haru on his back with his legs up in the air. Rin started to put his large cock inside of Haru slow and steady making sure not to hurt his little dolphin boy.

After Rin put his intire cock inside of Haru a minute later Haru gave the nod to continue. Then, without hesitation Rin started moving bavk inforth at a frantic speed! " aahh!" Haru moaned/whelped. Haru could feel rin's cock moving back and forth inside of him and it felt AMAZING! " aah! God, more!" Haru screamed! Rin nodded and plunged more into Haru. You could hear the slapping of their skin until finally " aahh!!" Haru screamed in pure pleasure when Rin hit his G-spot!

The more they went, the hotter and more intimate they got, " I-I'm close!" Rin annouced still pounding into Haru hard and fast! " M-me too!" Haru said... until..." AAHHH!!!"

( the next morning)

Rin woke up with sleepy eyes. He moved his head to the side to see a sleeping Haru ( naked i might add). Rin chuckled a little, waking Haru. " mmm... whats so funny?" Haru moaned from sleepiness. " its nothing. I just love you so much." Rin smiled and kissed Haru on the cheek. " do you need help cleaning up?" Rin asked while getting up hinself. " no." Haru stated and attempted to get out of bed, only to have a major pain in his lower back. " ow!" A momwnt of silence hit the room. " yes." Haru mumbled. " thought so" rin picked up haru and brought him to the tub. " also can you tell the others i won't be at practice today?" Haru looked at Rin and asked. " yeah sure!" Rin smiled happily!

( after school)

" i wonder where Haruka-sempai is?" Rei asked while going to the pool with Nagisa and Makoto. " i dont know. I knocked on his door but he didnt come. I ussumed he was at Rin-san's place." Makoto shrugged.

They saw rin walking toward them.
" ah! Rin-chan, have you seen Haru-chan?" Nagisa asked. " yeah, he wanted me to tell u guys he wont be at practice today." Rin said to them. All three of them look at Rin in shock! Haru never missed practice!! " why!? Is he sick?" Rei asked, concerned. " no.. he just woke up with bad back pain." Rin said smiling a little. " back pain?" Makoto asked, suspicous. " did you do anything with Haru-chan!?" Nagisa questioned. " ppff!" Rin started to laugh a little and walked away. " you can ask hi m yourselves at his place!!" Rin then ran off before they could ask anymore questions.

" i wonder what that could be about?" Nagisa asked. " back.. pain..." Rei examined the words that Rin used. " you guys... don't wanna know." Makoto sighed. " what!? What is it!?" Nagisa asked exited to learn what Rins was talking about. " well i have an idea.." Makoto said.

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