Promethius - Part 2

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The night for Clarke had been a long one, and with it it had become clear to Clarke that the prisoners outmanned, outgunned and outnumbered her small group of nightbloods.

Only moments ago she had watched as the prisoners had mercilessly tied up the officers to a nearby tree, whilst both being badly injured and in serious need of medical attention.
There were 89 of the prisoners in total, most of which were now casually milling about the perimeter of the ship.
A couple of the men were setting about making a campfire on the east side of their new camp, and there was a group to the south, just below Clarke and Maddie, having some sort of discussion.

They had been on the ground now for over 4 hours, and Clarke hadn't seen anyone eating nor drinking, a few of the men had weapons - although quite primitive versions of those that she carried. It wouldn't be long before they started getting hungry and venturing outside for sustenance.
She watched as one man, who was tall but quite weedy, began harassing one of the female prisoners close to the ship door. She was quite tall, and well built whilst keeping a feminine form. He couldn't have been more than a foot away from her, but wouldn't stop trying to stroke her long brown hair. With one swift motion, the female prisoner leant back and brought her foot up into a collision with his chin, causing him to fall backward and awkwardly to the ground - before kicking him in the ribs and sauntering off.

Another man was now taking control of the meeting to the south of the camp. He was a tall, fairly young, with longish black hair pulled back into a pony tail. He also had a tattoo across the side of his face. He was standing prominently amongst the prisoners, and was assigning tasks to each.
Clarke was sure this man was their leader, and if negotiation needed to happen, he would be the first she would approach.

"Maddie..........Maddie, wake up" Clarke whispered.
Maddie rubbed her eyes slowly before jolting awake in fear.

"Are they here? Do we know who they are yet? How long was I asleep for?!"

Clarke soothed Maddie,
"Shhhhhh, don't worry, they haven't left their camp. They are definitely prisoners, and it looks like they have commandeered the ship and captured their leaders. We need to get back to camp before they find us"
Maddies face relaxed as she accepted Clarkes decision. She picked herself up, dusting off the loose soil from her clothes. Clarke followed suit by brushing herself off, and crawling back out into the woodland.

The sun was just rising over the horizon, giving the forrest a slight sepia tone. Clarke smiled to herself as she stepped over a large root in the ground. She had grown to love the mornings in this beautiful patch of green, dreaming of what it would be like when everyone came home, when everyone she cared about could appreciate how peaceful the ground had become.
Her smile fell suddenly, as she wondered whether she would ever see her friends again.

"Clarke!" Maddie called, whilst standing over by a nearby lake. Clarke watched as Maddie uncovered the Rover, tugging away large branches and kicking back the dead leaves that were covering the wheels.
"Right, let's go before they find us" Clarke said jumping in and watching as Maddie threw herself in the back.

Clarke had taken extra care to drive through the shallows of the lake as far as she could so as to cover the tracks. The last thing they needed was to be followed back to camp.
It didn't take long before they were back at what Clarke had come to call home. Clarke had found the derelict building whilst searching for survivors after Praimfaya. Amazed that it was still standing, she could only presume as it was hidden within a valley, Clarke had wandered in to investigate.
The entire building was completely overgrown in vines and moss now, however it was pretty bare when she had found it.
There was one central hall, and at the back there was an old kitchen and another room which she believed to be the larder.
There was also, buried under a fallen tree outside, the entrance to a small bunker that Clarke still hadn't been able to get into, as much as she had tried desperately on many occasions.
Over the last 5 years she had made the place as comfortable as possible to accommodate the nightbloods, picking up items and trinkets whilst her and Maddie had been searching for further survivors. There were a few huts around the back that everyone had fashioned into a place of their own. Every time she returned here, Clarke felt at peace, and she intended for it to stay that way.
She had named it Elysia, hoping it would live up to its name.

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