Breeding Paideia - Part 3

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Bellamy could feel his stomach twisting into knots as he lent against the wall by his sisters bed. As he gazed over her, he had noticed that for the most part she hadn't changed too much. She looked stronger, her muscles more defined, still bearing the same strong jaw as his. He smiled slightly at the delicate dimples on her cheeks, remembering the times that he had teased her for them in her younger years.

The last three days had been a blur for Bellamy, as if his sisters return had sent him into some sort of shock like state. He rubbed his temple as he carefully sat on a chair placed close to her bed, his mind running over recent events. He recalled Abby tending to her every couple of hours, and her mentioning that she was in some sort of coma.
Clarke had popped her head in a few times, but they hadn't spoken.
Bellamy shook his head, before looking back at Octavia.
Her body remained still, almost lifeless. Her long brown hair falling neatly on her shoulders. A tear rolled down Bellamy's cheek as he reached out his hand to hers. His voice breaking under his emotional torment.
"You're stronger than this O, you need to fight it"
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

It was Clarke.
Bellamy's face softened, meeting his eyes with hers a moment before allowing them to focus back onto his sister.
"My mum asked if I could check on Octavia........ to see if there was any change?"
She spoke softly, before hesitantly taking a few steps toward Octavias bed.

"You're wasting your time" Bellamy suddenly replied, the agitation in his voice obvious.
Clarke nodded, tightening her lips slightly as she acknowledged his words. She could see how difficult this was for him, his sister was the most important person in the world to him. She felt the need to comfort him somehow.

"She's strong Bellamy" Clarke said quietly, moving closer to them both. "She'll get through this"
Bellamy raised his eyes to Clarkes. His normally dark brown eyes were overshadowed by newly bloodshot edges, tears glistening slightly over the whites. Bellamy raised a brow slightly in defeat, before looking at the floor.

Clarke reached to take Octavias pulse.

"It's steady. That's the most important thing"
Bellamy's expression remained unreadable, his eyes still focused on the dirt in front of him.
Clarke released her fingers from Octavias wrist, before looking back to Bellamy.
"Is there anything I can get for you?"
Bellamy shook his head. Remaining silent.

"What were you doing out there alone, Clarke?"  He finally said abruptly.
Clarke swallowed, she knew he had been off with her. But she hadn't been sure about the reasons for it until now.
"You left in the middle of the night, without saying anything. We were worried sick, the whole camp was about to head out on a search......." He continued, his voice darkening.
Bellamy could feel the anger in him rising, the worry, his emotions coursed through his veins uncontrollably.

Clarke swallowed, trying to find the right words. She was struggling.
"I didn't want anyone to follow me, I wanted to find their camp, find our people........" Clarke said quietly, almost under her breath.

Bellamy stood, tilting his head, holding his hand out to her in a mixture of anger and concern.
"You could have been killed, or taken?! You were lucky........"

Clarke suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She paused a moment, her throat closing over.
"Everything I do is my best, Bellamy. To save us, I........." emotion coiled tightly in the pit of her stomach.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

Suddenly a voice broke to her right.
Clarkes eyes dashed to Octavia in shock, before suddenly rushing to her side.
"Octavia, oh my god! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Clarke panted excitedly, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead in shock.

"Sick as a dog...... but I'll survive" Octavia groaned, a grin forming on her lips.
Bellamy quickly placed his hand on Octavias shoulder.
"O, please be careful" he said nervously as she tried to sit upright. The concern ever-present in his expression.

"How long have I been out?" Octavia said, as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.
Bellamy swallowed, locking eyes with Clarkes a moment.

"A few days..........but you're back now. That's all that matters" Bellamy said, a smile beginning to form on his tired face.

Clarke smiled at the return of her friend. Forcing her thoughts into the present to deal with the task at hand.
"I'll get my mum, she'll need to run some tests" she said quietly, brushing down her trousers as she stood and turned for the door before giving Bellamy a final glance. His expression was still unreadable, but his eyes had softened somewhat.
"I'll leave you two to catch up" she added over her shoulder as she pushed the door open, before making a beeline for the hall to find Abby.

Clarke hadn't even made it 20ft across the dirt covered courtyard before Darius came skidding to a halt alongside her.
"Clarke....... can I talk to you for a moment?"
Clarke caught his gaze for a split second before focusing back on the entrance of the hall, she continued on her path, remaining silent.

"Clarke, please, just let me explain" Darius pleaded, reaching his hand out to her arm.
Clarke stopped, turning to face him, her expression stern.
"What do you want Darius" she replied coldly.
Darius's face fell. He couldn't hide how much her hatred hurt him.

"Clarke, I.............
I just wanted to apologise. I'm so sorry for how I behaved the other night. It was childish, completely wrong, I never wanted to hurt you" Darius replied quickly, his voice breaking.
Clarke snorted, turning back toward the hall.
"Clarke, please, I thought you felt differently.......................
I was upset, with everything that has happened. I just wanted for things to be different for you and me, and now Bellamy is here....... I just......"
Clarke raised an eyebrow, her mind going over recent events.
"What has Bellamy got to do with anything?"

Darius shuffled on the spot, suddenly feeling awkward.
"He........ " Darius paused, trying to collate his words.
"I wanted you to know how I felt. But, you were right. You are always right, I should have trusted you"
Clarkes cold expression softened slightly. She had known Darius for years, he had acted out of character, she couldn't hold this against him forever. They had to live together after all. Clarke sighed.

"It's ok Darius. We're ok" Clarke finally replied, her gaze falling to the floor.
Darius beamed from ear to ear, reaching his hand out to her shoulder.
"Thank you, I won't let you down again. I promise"
Clarke smiled, acceptance showing in her expression, before turning on her heel and heading for the hall.
She needed the peace, having two people angry at her at once was too much for her to take right now.

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