The Handmaiden of Nemesis - Part 3

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Clarke swam as fast as she could, turning to look over her shoulder to see Bellamy's proximity. He was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a hand grabbed her ankle, jolting her in the opposite direction and down into the water.
Clarke struggled, before bursting to the surface, coughing up the swallowed water dramatically.
Bellamy's head bobbed above the water line,  grinning mischievously at Clarke's annoyance.

"6 years is supposed to mature people you know......" Clarke said mockingly, raising her eyebrow, brushing her soaked hair from her face.

"If that's true, then why on earth are we both drunk and swimming in a lake in the middle of the night?" Bellamy joked, locking eyes with Clarke, sarcasm in his voice.
"Because........" Clarke sighed heavily, allowing herself to fall backwards into the water, whilst staring up into the sky.
"What's the point in just surviving......"
She floated in the open water, her hair sprawled backward behind her head like silk, her hands bobbing gently on the surface.
The bioluminescent bacteria in the water created a beautiful glow with every slight movement, the moon was full, shining down onto the waters.
Clarke closed her eyes a moment, floating peacefully. She loved the water, the way it took the weight from her body, the feeling of her muscles relaxing.
"Interesting" Bellamy said, eyebrow raised.
The water came to just below his shoulders as he moved his hand through it slowly, watching the blue bacteria light up with each stroke.
"Mmmm?" Clarke murmured, still peacefully floating.

"Ok, what did you do with Clarke, you're never this relaxed. I'm actually kinda worried" Bellamy joked, reaching his hands out underneath Clarke, placing his hand on her back to balance her slightly.
"Worried?" Clarke snapped awake momentarily, kicking herself upright.
"Yeah, you must be really drunk!" Bellamy laughed, pushing himself away in the water, holding Clarke's gaze.
"I'm not that drunk. My heads spinning a bit, but........"
Bellamy raised an eyebrow, silently judging her.

"What's wrong with being drunk anyway? I mean, it's not like I'm intolerable..... am I?" Clarke continued defensively as she reasoned with herself a moment.
"Well......" Bellamy smiled mockingly.
Clarke's eyes were wide with pretend shock, she smiled gently.

"If anything......... it's kinda intimidating" Bellamy continued, before looking into the water in avoidance.
Clarke raised both brows.
"Intimidating? ME?!" Clarke snorted in amusement, pausing a moment, her head spinning a little heavier.

Clarke ran her fingers through her hair, before flicking it back over her shoulder. Deciding to mock Bellamy's recent assessment by play acting the intimidating enchantress. She smiled at him flirtatiously.

"How can you.............Mr Bellamy Ladykiller Blake....." Clarke paused as she sauntered through the water towards him, speaking slowly, her voice low.
"You of all people....." Clarke continued, now standing about a foot away, her chin dipped, her eyes locked onto his, looking up at him through her thick lashes.
Bellamy was rigid. His face unreadable, he was completely unsure of how to react. Is she serious? He thought.
Clarke raised her hand through the water, walking her fingers up his chest slowly.
"How can you possibly be little ol me?" Clarke said, face as serious as she could keep it.
She trailed her fingers seductively around his collar bone, sauntering around so that she was stood just behind him. Everything about Bellamy's body was tense, he was trying his hardest to keep his arms by his side. His eyes had turned predatory as he looked down at Clarke, he turned his head to follow her as she sauntered around him.

Clarke suddenly dropped the act, giggling slightly, before sinking into the water, floating backwards.
Bellamy stood, letting out a slight growl, before taking a deep breath. His eyes still locked onto Clarke's.
"No........ intimidating isn't the right word at all" Bellamy said, flexing his arms out to either side slowly, releasing the tension.
"Drunk........ that's a better word" Bellamy smiled slightly, slowly turning to face Clarke.

Clarke raised an eyebrow.
"Would a drunk person be able to beat you to the beach?" Clarke replied, expression mischievous. Suddenly she splashed a ton of water at Bellamy, before swimming frantically towards the edge of the lake.
Bellamy stood a moment in shock, before diving in behind her.

Clarke swam as fast as she could, as soon as her feet hit sand, she ran, dragging herself through the shallow waters. She heard Bellamy gaining behind her, but it was too late, suddenly an arm curled itself around her waist, dragging her back into the shallow water and crashing her heavily into the sand onto her back.

Bellamy lay atop of her, his arms straight, his hand propped beside her head, his other beside her waist. His eyes locked with hers, her chest heaved as they panted heavily. Bellamy's mischievous smile dropped slowly as he swallowed hard, looking down on her. He eyed her up and down beneath him, her hair soaked, her lashes sodden, her lips full and wet. Her breasts rising and falling with her chest as she regained her breath.
Clarke looked up at him, his bare torso in front of her, his hips laying heavily upon hers.
Clarke reached her hand up to his chest, placing her fingers against it gently.

Bellamy couldn't help himself, her touch burned his skin, her soft fingertips sent ripples of tension down his chest, through to his groin.
Suddenly Bellamy lowered his head, crashing his lips against hers, his hand grabbed her by the waist tightly. Clarke's head span as she parted her lips and allowed him to take control of her tongue as he tasted her eagerly. Shivers shot down her spine as he moved his thumb slowly over the gentle curve of her abs.
Clarke moaned, she shouldn't be feeling this way, she needed to stop, but she couldn't help herself. She arched her back before pressing her hips desperately against his, reaching her arm up and sliding her fingers slowly down and over his shoulder blade.
Bellamy growled, biting her lip, responding with his hips and forcing Clarke down hard into the sand. She felt the cool sensation of the water running down her back as his chest pressed down onto hers.

Suddenly gunfire sounded in the distance, Bellamy tore his mouth from Clarke's as they both sat upright in shock.
The survivors were running towards the entrance of the camp, shooting at someone in the distance. Their eyes locked together a moment, before both jumping to their feet and running towards the end of the shore.

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