The waters of Lethe - Part 4

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"Monty, make sure you pick up the receivers, our aim is to communicate with the bunker as soon as possible" Raven shouted across the camp. Most of the crew were milling about, picking up items, arming themselves for the rescue mission.
"Make sure you pick up the fuel cells guys, without them, we arnt going anywhere!" Harper called across to Murphy and Bellamy who were arming themselves by the lake.

After escorting Clarke back to her hut, Bellamy had taken it upon himself to take a watch - to ensure she was safe. He didn't trust Darius one bit.
"You'd think they would have made us breakfast, you know, being guests and all" Murphy said to Bellamy whilst loading his assault rifle.
Bellamy remained silent, turning to Murphy, his expression completely serious.
"What do you know of Darius, Murphy?"
Murphy raised an eyebrow, looking out over the lake.
"Er.........I know he lost his entire family to Praimfaya, and I know that he doesn't make good conversation, a bit of an introvert I guess"
Murphy said, before looking at Bellamy quizzically.
Before Bellamy could speak, Echo came running across the sand toward them.
"Were leaving, come on!" She called impatiently.

"Bellamy, Darius, Monty, Harper, Echo and Clarke, you're riding in the Rover. Load the fuel cells and receivers." Raven called, grabbing up further supplies.  "When you get to the ship, I need one of you to head back and grab the rest of us, we'll be following behind" Raven added, before shoving a med kit into Murphys hands.

"Where's Maddie?" Clarke called to Max, as he loaded the Rover.
Max's eyes met with Clarke's, concerned, signalling to a seat over by the hall.
Maddie was sitting alone, drawing in the sand with a stick.
Clarke nodded at Max, smiling slightly before jogging over to Maddie, slowly crouching down to her eye level.
"Maddie, I'm sorry I have to go again so soon, but.......... if I don't go...."
Maddie stopped Clarke mid sentance.
"I know...... the human race dies" Maddie replied sarcastically, frustration in her voice.
"Maddie, look at me" Clarke said sternly, pleading with her.
Maddie looked up slowly, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"I'm here. I'm always going to be here, but....... Max is sick. Jonahs mom is down there. He will be completely alone if we don't rescue her."
Maddie looked up at Clarke, her tears falling heavily.
"Go then! Just leave me here like always!"
Maddie shouted, before running off into the hall.
The Rover pulled up beside Clarke, Bellamy in the drivers seat.
Harper leaned out of the front window, "Clarke, we've gotta go, get in"

Clarke gazed into the distance as the Rover bounced across the terrain. Her mind wandered, worrying about Maddie, about her Mom, about her friends in the bunker. Time slipped past her, before she knew it they were boarding the ship.
Raven's plan had worked, the fuel cells were the key to keeping it on the ground.
"Has anyone checked on our prisoner downstairs?" Max called over to the crew on the bridge.
Darius scowled, thinking about his last encounter with Ciro.
"He can starve for all I care" he growled.
Clarke picked up a knife, twirling it in her hands. "As much as I would like to see him starve............he could be a useful hostage to trade. Murphy, can you handle it?"
Murphy nodded, accepting the mission, he headed out into the hall.
"Raven, are the hoists ready?" Clarke asked.
"As they'll ever be" Raven responded, settling into captains chair.
"We're gonna have to move quickly, they will see the ship coming in, we'll have 20 minutes, tops" Clarke added.
Bellamy positioned himself next to Raven, turning in his chair.
"Theres an entire army down there, as soon as that door opens, it doesn't matter what they throw at us" Bellamy said, strapping himself in.

Clarke was obsessively monitoring the infrared scanner. She had an 800m radius around the bunker covered, and although it wouldn't be much of a warning, at least it would be something.
Max and Bellamy had repelled down to the ground to assist with the rubble removal, radioing in when each piece was ready to be lifted.

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