Promethius - Part 3

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It took roughly an hour for Clarke, Max and Darius to arrive at the lake. They had spent half the way running over the plan, and the other half hearing from Darius about how much of a bad idea it was. Clarke disliked his pessimistic nature. Darius was only a little older than Clarke, not much taller but an excellent warrior, his views on the world were similar to her own. She just wished he could have a little faith in humanity, although she couldn't blame him, he had watched his entire family burn during Praimfaya. From what Max had told her, he was a completely different person before, and she had caught herself thinking just how similar they all were in that respect.

They had decided to park on the other side of the lake and make their way over to the prisoner camp, Darius being the first to jump out of the Rover.
Clarke didn't particularly want to fight, she knew she would lose with so few warriors, however she wasn't taking any chances. Heading to the back of the Rover, she armed herself with a sword, 2 knives, a sniper rifle and a hand gun.
"You know that will never be enough, right?" Darius joked casually as he armed himself with more weaponry than a military submarine.
"I prefer to travel light when I know running may be my only option" Clarke retorted.
Darius gave Clarke a wry smile, almost excepting their defeat, before grabbing a grenade and placing it on his belt.

Max had already set off through the lake, following the campfire smoke on the horizon as his guide.
"So how do you think they are going to react? We're essentially what you called Grounders to them, what makes you think they will help us?"
Clarke watched Darius's face, he was completely stern in his expression, impossible to read.
"I believe that they have limited supplies, we have something that they want - food, shelter, knowledge...." Darius cut Clarke off. "You think they care about that? I doubt they will even entertain us, we will be lucky to walk away from here alive"
Clarke walked directly past Darius in the direction of Max before responding, the anger growing in her voice.
"What can we do Darius? Nothing? Sit and wait for everyone in that bunker to die? You didn't have to come with us, you could have stayed with everyone else"
"Yeah, and wait to hear about how both of you were killed within minutes?" Darius shouted, picking up his ammo and jogging up behind Clarke.
"It's better than being here, telling us how we are going to fail" Clarke muttered.

Darius paced ahead, catching up with Max as Clarke followed behind. She had only just began to notice how much water was soaking through her shoes as she heard a loud bang come from not too far ahead. Clarke fell to the water, as smoke bellowed from the camp in the distance. Max and Darius both turned and signalled to head into the trees on the shore.
"Looks like they are blowing themselves up already!" Darius sneered, as they arrived in cover.

"We need to keep moving" Max insisted, as they pushed forward and up the hillside away from the lake.
Looking down on the camp from the hillside, Clarke noticed how few prisoners were present in the camp.
"There's hardly anyone here, where are they?" Clarke whispered to herself.
"Perhaps they are out hunting? Or on the ship?" Max replied as he peered down the scope of his rifle.
Before Clarke could respond, she felt an arm swirl around her neck and pin her back against someone's chest, before a sudden cold hard barrel was pressed against her temple.

"Don't. Move" A deep course voice said into her ear, as she watched Darius and Max suffer the same fate.
"Who are you? What are you doing here!" The voice said gruffly. "Why are you spying on our ship?!"
Clarke tried to respond,  but the arm on her throat was too strong, she could barely breathe.

"You're coming with us" The voice said as she felt herself dragged off through the woodland.

The man was walking so fast she could barely keep up, his stride was much larger than hers, and she found herself falling over everything as they moved. She could hear Darius and Max behind as they were dragged through to the entrance of the camp.

"Well, looks like we're not the only ones on this sorry state of a planet!" Roared the man holding Clarke hostage. She felt his chest heave as he laughed at their capture.
A congregation of prisoners were piling out of the ship to see their latest spoils, Clarke began feeling increasingly uneasy with the looks she was receiving - many of the prisoners looked at her as if they had never seen a woman before.

"Don't keep her all to yourself!" One of the prisoners joked as she tried to squirm free.
He was just too strong, she didn't have a chance.
She watched as the crowed parted, and the prisoner with the tattoo on his face, their leader, strolled through.

"What's this!?" He bellowed at Clarke's captor in a strong, strange, almost Irish accent. 
"She can't breathe, let her neck lose ya igit!". His gaze locked onto her, penetrating right through her tough exterior. Clarke did her best to not let her gaze drop, remembering that she had to remain strong as negotiation was all about the appearance of power.

The man released her neck, holding her hands behind her back in a clasp that felt like he could snap them off at any moment.
"Ya speak English Missy?" The man growled at Clarke with a smirk on his face.
Clarke swallowed hard, the blood flow to her face returning.
"Yes. I do. Can you please release me? I'm here to talk" Clarke said firmly.
An outburst of laughter echoed through the prisoners, she had counted nearly 20 or so now, and the crowd was still growing.

"Now WHY would I do that little lady, you are armed up to the eyeballs, who's ta say ye ain't gonna shoot me dead where I stand?!" He retorted.

Clarke paused, she realised how it must look, spying on their camp, covered in guns from head to toe. Especially considering their previous circumstances.
"I am here to negotiate a truce, so that we can perhaps work together, so that we can help one another"
Another roar of laughter came from the prisoners.
"Well then!" He paused before looking at the prisoners, smiling wryly and then turning back to Clarke. He ducked slightly to her eye line.

"What have you got to offer us sweetheart, is there enough of you to go around? Or are there more of you sweet little natives?" He heard a cheer echo through the crowd, before further lewd comments began being randomly shouted at Clarke.
She could see that their leader was becoming increasingly impatient with her negotiations.

"We have other things. Medicine, food, clean water. We can help you survive" Clarke insisted firmly.
Clarke watched as the tattooed man chuckled, looking around the crowd in jest.

"Lock them up!" He roared after a brief pause. The prisoners cheered, before Clarke suddenly felt a massive thump on the side of her head as everything turned to black.

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