Chapter 2

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Once she got home her mom was a sleep so she started to look for a paramedic job, she found one at station 51. She had a interview with the captain, Brady Smith.

Next Day

Audrey woke up the next morning and got dressed in a white top and black pants with some black ankle boots. Once she got dressed she want down stairs she made herself a bagel
with some cream cheese on it.

At the station

When I got to the station, I saw a girl washing her air pack. I walked up to her and asked "Do you know where I can find the
"Yes, he is in his office that is right next to the map right there."
"Thank you."

Abigail POV

I just finished cleaning my air pack and went into the tv room where all the other guys where.
I grab a cup of coffee an we were all laughing at each other because we were all trying to see who could make the funniest face and I was between Harrison and Jackson. When Brady come in with the new girl.
"Guys I would like you to meet the newest member Audrey DeSoto." He said "Know all of you induce yourselves start with Harrison and work your way around."
"Hi my name is Harrison Barker, I am the driver of engine  51."
"Hi my name is Jackson Wilson, and I am a paramedic on squad 51."
"Hi my name is Carter Foster, and I am a firefighter on engine  51."
"I guest best for last. Hi my name is Abigail Gage, and I am a firefighter on engine 51." Once shift was over i want home to see my dad also just coming home from his station. I want up to him and said "We got a new boot today at the station."
"That's cool what is there name."
"Her name is Audrey DeSoto."
"DeSoto do you know how her father is."
After they had dinner they were able to rest for a bit but John had to do more paper work.
After a while Abigail got ready to leave because her and the station go bowling after shifts some times.

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