Return of the Beast

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At his apartment, Juan unpacked his bags of cereal. He had also bought some Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream for when he got some time after his mission to lay in bed, read Curious George fanfiction™, and eat the whole pint with his broken plastic fork.

He had bought 100 boxes of cereal just to be safe. He really wanted to tempt Daddy. The rest of the day he spent preparing the plan. He got out his vat, typically used for boiling human hands, and filled it with 99 boxes of cereal. It filled to the brim with sweet vegan goodness. He then took the remaining box of cereal and put it into a regular sized bowl. He then wrapped it in wrapping paper and a bow. He decided this was how he would disguise the cereal as a present to Daddy.

At 9 pm he went to bed. It had been a long day and he had to get ready for Daddy's release at 10 am the next morning. He would need at least an hour to haul the cereal vat into position and 15 minutes to drive there, meaning he would have to wake up at 8:15 if he wanted time to get dressed and get ready too. He slept naked.

Juan woke up the next morning and checked his clock. It was 8:44! He forgot to turn his alarm on the night before. He got up and threw on his loin cloth that he kept by his bed for emergencies. Then he went over to the cereal vat and hauled it into his 2007 Dodge Caravan and drove off.

About 9 minutes and 37.4 seconds into the drive to jail, he heard a police siren. At first he didn't think much of it but then he noticed it was getting louder and closer to his car. A police car pulled beside him and the officer rolled down his window.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle." shouted the officer over the freeing roar of the open road.

"Officer I can't!" shouted Juan. "I'm on a mission to catch a cereal killer!"

"Sir, I'm not going to ask you again. STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE."


Juan sped away with the police man in close pursuit behind. He had called in reinforcements on his radio and Juan could hear at least 3 other sirens approaching but he kept driving until he got to the jail.

He hopped out of the car and ran to the trunk to get his small bowl of cereal. He didn't have time to take out the vat. He ran towards the door of the jail when a police officer slide tackled him into a barbed wire fence. Suddenly he was surrounded by 6 officers. One of them was handcuffing him and another was reading his rights.

"What's your name boy?" one officer said.

"Juan Martinez" squeaked Juan.

"Juan Martinez you are under arrest for public nudity and resisting arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Juan screamed.

Then, Juan looked up and saw a man being lead out of the prison. A man that looked suspiciously like... him. It was his father being released an hour early.

"JUAN ME BOOTY!" yelled Santonio Martinez.

Juan did not respond. He started to cry. His plan was foiled and now he was going to be put in prison. His father the cereal killer would roam free.

"Daddy, how are you?" sniffled Juan.

"I'm good Juan. Please don't call me Daddy or Santonio, that's much too formal. I prefer Sexy Beast."

"Yes Sexy Beast. How was prison?" asked Juan. But Sexy Beast wasn't listening​. He was staring at the cereal vat in Jaun's trunk.

"Must... resist..." muttered Santonio under his breath. But he couldn't do it. The cravings were too strong after 23 years of suppressing them. Santonio dove into the vat head first and then poked his head up with a look of pure joy. The cops acted fast. Three of them that were not attending to Juan grabbed Daddy's wrists and handcuffed him and dragged him out.

"I'M SORRY," yelled Daddy.

"Save it for the judge boys. Looks like you two are going back to the slammer." replied a sassy lady cop.

Will Juan be put back into jail with his father? Find out more on our next installment of JUAN!

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