1. There's nothing wrong with being blue.

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{1. There's nothing wrong with being blue}

Dreamer's POV

My shoulder kept bumping into the stranger on my left as the train rocked for the past hour. I stopped muttering apologies and just kept my head down. I tried not to make eye-contact with anyone because when I do, it always provoked commentaries on mutants and I get really defensive.

I just don't understand how people can degrade the existence of mutants now that there's a cemented alliance between mutants and humans. I mean, first of all, they are just the evolved species of mankind, and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Surely, it may come across as a peculiar and frightening transformation at first, I have seen mutants with blue skin, red hair and cat-like eyes. But lets face it, what is considered as "normal" is drastically overrated and boring. Plus, mutants have certain abilities that humans could only dream of.

Her name is Mystique by the way. She's an amazing shape shifter. Not that I have seen her in action or anything, but I have been told and showed videos of her ability. I know a lot of mutants, it was a crucial part of my education but Mystique was my favorite. I wished I was more like her, in terms of identity. Mystique knows exactly who she is. I, on the other hand, don't even know the half of my existence.

I am a mutant...but I have no idea what I can do. It's ironic really, because those who have developed their abilities then realize what they are, I'm the exact opposite. I guess I only know what I am because...I was conceived in a test tube. I was a part of Project GEM, an experiment dedicated to Genetically Engineered Mutants.

But my memories...they're scattered. I don't know what happened to me or the crazy scientist who created me, the only thing I was able to grasp was that I was an abandoned science experiment...with an unrealistic teenage name called Dreamer.

The train screeched to a halt, the ear-splitting whistle making me temporarily deaf. I looked up briefly at the doors opening. New passengers in sweeping coats and wet umbrellas hopped on the train, seats were casually traded and a man in a trench coat sat next to me.

"Heterochromia. Gosh, I hate that mutation." He muttered to me. I inwardly flinch. Heterochromia is the differentiation of eye color which is what I have. One blue, one green. Although I have never been insulted before for it, it didn't make me less self-conscious. With my head still down, I looked down at the hands of the man, expecting to see wrinkled, callused, maybe even arthritic hands, but instead I was greeted by blue. Blue slender fingers which I immediately recognized. It was Mystique, semi-disguised as a man!

"Why?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Because it's pretty, you don't have to hide, whereas I would have given those elderly people over there a heart attack." She said with bitterness. I restrained myself from staring at her blue hands, it was the first time I have seen her in person. Mystique. The mutant I have always idolized...is hating on my physical mutation.

"There's nothing wrong with being blue," I whispered to her. She was still in the form of the man, jaw set tight, and then all of a sudden, she changed into her true form.

The sounds of surprised gasps and horrified shrieks filled the train. People backed away to the far end, leaving me and Mystique on the other, segregated like outcasts. I bit my bottom lip. These people were just being ignorant, but the way it affected Mystique was palpable. Her eyes were a hard cold glare and her hands balled into punching fists.

"You were saying?" she looked at me. The train stopped at another station and Mystique was the first to empty out. I looked down at my human-looking hands. I know it was easier for me to hide. But I don't see the need for hands to resemble a human complexion, they should be any color they want to be. No-one should have to feel ashamed of it. No-one should have to hide.

Before I left the train carriage, I looked into the eyes of every one of the 'human' passengers, disgusted.


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