4. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

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{4. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters}

Mystique's POV

"Did you know we're having a new student?" Alex asked. I whipped my head around, wondering how he managed to sneak up on me. I pursed my lips. I shouldn't allow myself to lose focus like that again, it's just one of the symptoms of having deep recollections.

I felt Alex stand next to me, merely a few centimetres taller, he mimicked the way my arms were crossed and gazed at the playing field of young mutants. Charles thinks he has created a paradise for mutants, but I'm viewing this school as an overly optimistic prison. We are segregated from the world. We deserve better than that.

"New student, new tour guide." I said, with a teasing smile. He shook his head. I remembered when the school first started with just ten people, we used to be overwhelmed when there was a new mutant. We'd all sit in a circle and share our abilities, make the new person feel welcomed. But over the years, being the tour guide had gotten repetitive to the point, nobody was as interested anymore so Charles set up a roster and Alex is next. "Oh please, admit it, you love showing off your powers to the ladies." I smirked at him. Since Alex was able to control his powers, he is more open with people, before when things were bad, he spent most of his days confined in a prison cell, at his own request. Since then, he has grown quite popular, and a positive male figure.

"I'd rather not." He turned to me. "Maybe you could pretend to me for a day?" I rolled my eyes. As much as I love to turn into Alex and possess his powers, if Charles knew that I had been shifting into someone else, he'd be pissed off that no-one appreciated his roster. But knowing Alex, he'd probably bail anyway, his not exactly patient or...compliant. Well who am I to judge? I can be a bitch half the time...most of the time.

Raven, meet me in my office. Come alone. That was Charles. Must be important if he had to communicate telepathically.

"Good luck with the newbie." I flicked my blonde hair up and shuddered passed Alex. As I danced up the stairs towards Charles office, I saw Hank making his way there as well. "You too?" I asked. He acknowledged me and nodded.

"It's the new mutant. She's special." He said. I rolled my eyes. Aren't they all? Charles babies them too much I reckon. They need the independence and freedom they deserve. This school is just containing them because the humans refuse to integrate because they're afraid. It's so frustrating and dumb.

When Hank turned the gold plated handle to Charles' office. I saw Erik leaning against the wall, arms crossed, face neutral and Charles was talking to a small blonde haired girl sitting on a leather chair. I looked at her suspiciously. Is she-

"Raven, Hank. This is Dreamer Verite. She's our newest student," Charles introduced her and my eyes widened when I saw hers. She's the girl from the train! I glared at Charles' amused expression. Hank on the other hand, looked at her with admiration. Come on, she's just a mutant with pretty eyes, seriously. Charles sighed at me.

I extended my hand for her to shake, I'm in my human form so I suspect she doesn't know I'm Mystique. When we shook hands I turned my smooth skin into a scaling blue. She looked at me with sudden delight. So this is why Charles wanted me to meet her? Humph.

"Dreamer is only enrolling as Mr Verite's niece because its crucial that we keep her identity confidential. Only the four of us know that she is a genetically engineered mutant. The rumours of Project GEM are true. Therefore we must keep a low profile." Charles continued. Now I understand Hank's sparkling eyes, must be a scientist thing. "Dreamer is under my custody but is our responsibility. If news got out, we could have a moratorium of protestors pointing fingers at us for playing God and creating more mutants. Even if we're not. We could lose everything. If the government or CIA were to take a glimpse of her portfolio they would shut us down and take matters into their own hands. So that's why I respect Mr Verite's decision to inform us first hand-"

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